The namespace URI for this vocabulary is:
This RDFS Schema defines the Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration Requirements Management and Definition vocabulary, also known as OSLC RM. This vocabulary is a non-normative part of the OSLC RM 2.0 specification, which is part of the OSLC group of specifications.
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RDFS Classes in this namespace
Requirement, RequirementCollection
RDF Properties in this namespace
affectedBy, elaboratedBy, elaborates, implementedBy, specifiedBy, specifies, trackedBy, uses, validatedBy is an RDFS class.
Requirements are the basis for defining what the system stakeholders (users, customers, suppliers and so on) need from a system and also what the system must do in order to meet those needs, and how the surrounding processes must be orchestrated so that quality, scope and timescale objectives are satisfied. is an RDFS class.
Collection of requirements. A collection uses zero or more requirements. is an RDF property.
Expresses an affectation relationship with a resource. For example, a Change Management ChangeRequest could describe a defect which affects a requirement. is an RDF property.
Expresses an elaboration relationship with a resource. For example, an Architecture Management Resource could be an elaborating model or model element. is an RDF property.
Expresses an elaboration relationship with a resource. For example, an Architecture Management Resource could be an elaborating model or model element. is an RDF property.
Expresses an implementation relationship with a resource. For example, a Change Management ChangeRequest, could be an implementing resource. is an RDF property.
An entity which further clarifies or specifies.
Expresses a specfication relationship with a resource. For example, an Architecture Management Resource could be a specifying model or model element. is an RDF property.
An entity which further clarifies or specifies.
Expresses a specfication relationship with a resource. For example, an Architecture Management Resource could be a specifying model or model element. is an RDF property.
Expresses a tracking relationship with a resource. For example, a ChangeRequest
could track a Requirement, by governing changes according to some process defined by a change management system. is an RDF property.
Expresses a use relationship between resources. For example, a requirement collection may use a requirement. is an RDF property.
Expresses a validation relationship with a resource. For example, a TestPlan could validate a requirement collection.
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I | Attachment | Action | Size | Date | Who | Comment |
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Vocabulary.xsl | manage | 4.1 K | 31 Mar 2011 - 21:34 | IanGreen | Program to transform from RDFS to HTML |
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rm.html | manage | 9.7 K | 30 Jan 2012 - 16:08 | IanGreen | HTML presentation of the RM vocabulary |
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rm.rdf | manage | 9.7 K | 30 Jan 2012 - 16:08 | IanGreen | RM RDFS vocabulary |