This wiki is locked. Future workgroup activity and specification development must take place at our new wiki. For more information, see this blog post about the new governance model and this post about changes to the website.
This page is intended to show how consumers are expected to interact with an RM provider as the various supported scenarios are played out. This page is non-normative.

A link is made from a requirement to a change request

Here is script for I can't persuade the wiki to render this "live", hence the picture which follows is an attachment.

participant "OSLC RM Consumer\nRTC on" as Consumer
participant "OSLC RM Provider\nDOORS on" as Provider
note left of Consumer
Consumer is a change request system.  User is working on
change request "/wi/1"
end note
note left of Consumer
Use delegated UI to find requirement that is to be implemented
end note
Consumer->Provider: GET /delegatedUI/projects/SRS Braking
Provider->Consumer: Web application for selecting requirement
Consumer->Consumer: User browses and selects requirement
note left of Consumer
User selects
end note
Consumer->Provider: GET /requirement/1\nAccept: application/x-oslc-rm-requirement+xml
Provider->Consumer: <Requirement 1/>
note left of Consumer
<Requirement rdf:about="/requirement/1/>
.. properties ..
end note
Consumer->Consumer: Update requirement with new link to /wi/1
note left of Consumer
<Requirement rdf:about="/requirement/1/>
.. properties ..
<calm:implementedBy rdf:about=""/>
end note
Consumer->Provider: PUT /requirement/1
Topic revision: r1 - 30 Nov 2009 - 14:34:24 - IanGreen
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