Meeting 24th January 2011 Chair: Ian Apologies: Simon
- Welcome to new workgroup participants
- Christian Haerdt and Ian Giblett (both of EADS).
- V2.0 activities:
- Discussion
- Relationship to other protocols (STEP/AP, RIF, SysML? )being pursued at OSLC PLM workgroup.
- Requirements Organization
- Feedback from Simon RmRequirementsOrganization.
- Scenario Development
- Relationship to OSLC RM V2 Collections
- Question: Are such resources "fixed" or can they be defined by query? (Eg delegated UI to define query for requirement collections)
- Use cases around resource shape
- OSLC AM "Link Type" resource model
- How would a consumer create a new link type?
- How would a consumer create a new resource shape?
- Baselines(OSLC AM Context)
IanGreen, Dominic, Simon,
IanGiblett? , Jim,
Jim - what is the impact of OSLC AM working on MAY, and current implementation is in progress. Question about consistency across OSLC domains. Jim will talk to implementation team about CAM compliance if we move to MUST.
Simon: Requirement Organization. These are ordered trees, not graphs. How do requirements which are reused interact via trace relationships? Jim - how does this work with AM resources? Some products could require more than one canonical hierarchical view over a given set of subsidiary resources. Naming of things is important to support some use cases (namespaces). Need to have multiple, parallel hierarchiesw "view" that organize resources. We don't want to make any assumptions that there is one way to organized resoures. Dominic: need to create a resouce without there having to be a canonical place to organize those resources. We want it to be easy to be a provider.
Topic revision: r2 - 24 Jan 2011 - 17:00:12 -