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Meeting 12th April 2010


Apologies: ScottBosworth

Attendees: IanGreen, NickKruk? , JimConallen, DominicTulley


We briefly discussed scenario progress on requirements elaboration and on specification progress. IanGreen took action to make a first cut at a V2 specification based on the emerging OSLC Core specification and on V1 capabilities. We discussed the need for an OSLC approach to linking that would allow clients to understand where trace relations exist between resources: OSLC simple query does not allow questions such as "fetch all resources which trace to this requirement" to be asked, even when all the OSLC providers are known.

Agreed to bring the meeting to an early close and defer the agenda to the next scheduled call, 19th April, 3pm UTC.

Topic revision: r2 - 12 Apr 2010 - 16:22:50 - IanGreen
Main.RmMeetings20100412 moved from Main.RmMeetings20100405 on 12 Apr 2010 - 14:20 by IanGreen - put it back
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