Meeting 25th Jan 2010 (4PM UTC) Agenda
Apologies: SimonWills, JimConallen
Attendees: IanGreen, DominicTulley, TorgeKummerow, RainerE, ScottBosworth, PaulMcMahan, DaveJohnson, MatthewStone
Torge: three major. - eclipse incubator - "useme" for structured requirements. has been accepted, currently incubator.
open-source requirement management tool: sourceforge project (march 2007 last activity; two participants)
tigris, req engine: "2nd generation" rm tool. same message as oslcrm. (14 participants).
Try to learn more about these, then we can follow-up to share information both ways. Need to know that there would be value before reaching out to them. IanGreen to pursue and TorgeKummerow to pursue eclipse project. Both to report back at next conf. call.
Rainer: are we limited to open source - no, we're not. Do we want to wait for, e.g., more maturity in the workgroups before we approach a commercial enviroment. What about DOORS implementation? Ian to talk with Rainer offline about how this can go? Is this the right time? Scott - any other commercial interests?> eg CESAR?
We took end of Feb. as date by which scenarios to take forward into specification will be defined. We will assess where we are at end of February, but there is a strong desire to reach a V2.0 specification by June 2010. IanGreen expressed that this was required to be able to ship V2.0 specification in Rational products in Q3.
We agreed to spend until end of February fleshing out various scenarios:
BrendEllis? expressed concern that many hard integration challenges might be falling between the gaps - for example, RainerE suggested an extension of his baselining requirements scenario (S1) in which the baseline contains a heterogeneous collection of things - requirements, models, test cases etc. How would this be supported by OSLC? ScottBosworth to schedule follow-up with BrendaEllis, IanGreen, DavidJohnston? , and himself.
See RmMeetingActions.