Date: 2nd June 2009
Meeting held during Rational Software Conference, Orlando, FL, USA.
- Introductions
- Mechanics of participation
- Scenarios & Scope
- A.O.B.
The following members were in attendance:
Andreas Keis, George
DeCandio? , Ian Green, Steve Abrams, Bill Hasling, Andy Berner, Randy Vogel, Steve Speicher, Rainer Ersch, Sky Matthews
We heard that some participants would like a more formally described mechanism for participating in the workgroup. This included the need to be able to allocate effort in order that organisations could meaningfully agree to participate. IG took an action to ensure that this was raised as a topic for discussion at a future meeting.
It was agreed that it was crucial to scope the effort of the workgroup around a scenario or small set of scenarios. IG described the intent that the current C/ALM scenarios would be the focus of an initial revision of the OSLC RM specification. Sky Matthews took an action to bring scenarios from the systems engineering domain to the OSLC RM workgroup, with a view to sharing them and discussing them for consideration in a future revision of the OSLC RM specifications.
GdC? highlighted the importance of scenarios involving modelling.
It was agreed that regular bi-weekly calls would be established to which all participants would be invited.
SteveS? and
SteveA? related their experiences from the OSLC CM workgroup - that group had more frequent calls as and when they were required.
Topic revision: r1 - 15 Jun 2009 - 14:27:26 -