BrentFeather - 05 Mar 2010
We describe a generic “story” and variations for the use of an integration as described in this document.
1.1 Generic story
In this story, there are two main Actors, a Systems Engineer and a Hardware Engineer.
The Systems Engineer (working in RM tool):
· Analyses Stakeholder Requirements
· Authors System Requirements
· Derives Hardware Requirements (this is used as an example; the same applies for Software, Human Factors, etc.)
The Hardware Engineer (working in a PLM tool):
· Creates Hardware Design Spec (PDM)
· Creates Models (Design tool)
There is a Need to create traceability from Hardware Requirements to Hardware Design Specification.
There is a Need to follow (view?) traceability (initially single level) from Hardware Requirements to Hardware Design Specification.
1.2 Variations
We have identified the following high-level variations to this story:
· Hardware Design Specification created is in RM tool, so the interface then needs to enable creation of traceability from the Design Specification to Models.
· Hardware Engineer creates Hardware Requirements. We do not believe that this changes the underlying needs.
· Multiple levels of Hardware Design. It should be possible to generalize from above story, but we will not do this initially.
2. Glossary
BoM? : Bill of Materials, management of the
BoM? is part of the functionality of a PDM system and the term
BoM? is sometimes used for the information stored in the PDM system, though it is a subset
CI: Configuration Item – An item within the PDM context that is the fundamental structure unit that is designated for tracking changes to that item. Examples of CIs can include individual requirements, software, models, and plans.
Link: defined relationship between two items of information. Note that when we refer to following a link from one item to another in the following, this does not imply a specific direction for the link
OSLC: Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration – a defined set of services to enable collaboration between tools using related types of information.
PDM user: User of a product data management system, typically a designer or implementer
RM user: User of a requirements management system, typically a requirements author or requirements manager
Requirement Set: A collection of requirements of similar nature or pertaining to the same function.
Impact Analysis: Process of identifying downstream affected product lifecycle artifacts as a result of a change.
Satisfaction: The characteristic of sets of information items that one set is necessary and sufficient to satisfy another
Traceability: The ability to link product requirements back to stakeholders’ needs and forward to corresponding product lifecycles artifacts. Traceability supports numerous product development activities such as change impact analysis, compliance verification, requirements verification and requirements validation.
Traceability analysis: Using traceability information to determine the items of information that are linked to specified items. Typically used for:
· Determining whether a “lower-level” set of information is necessary and sufficient to satisfy a “higher-level” set
· When a change is made in one set of information, determining which items in a related set might need consequential changes
3. Requirements
Based on the current situation the following are the main requirements for an IBM solution.
3.1 Key Capabilities
These requirements represent the most important capabilities from the perspectives of the stakeholders.
CORE1. From within the PDM tool, the PDM user shall be able to create/delete traceability between objects stored in the RM tool and CIs stored in the PDM tool.
CORE2. From within the RM tool, the RM user shall be able to create/delete traceability between objects stored in the RM tool and CIs stored in the PDM tool.
CORE3. From within the PDM tool, the PDM user shall be able to interrogate the configuration information associated with the objects within the RM tool.
CORE4. From within the RM tool, the RM user shall be able to interrogate the configuration information associated with the objects within the PDM tool.
CORE5. From within the PDM tool, the PDM user shall be notified
of any changes made to RM objects that are traced to CIs
CORE6. From within the RM tool, the RM user shall be notified any changes made to CIs that are traced to objects within the RM tool.
CORE7. From within the PDM tool, the PDM user shall be able to display objects in the RM tool that are related to CIs, together with the relationship [[#_ftn1][[1]]]
CORE8. From within the RM tool, the RM user shall be able to display objects in the PDM tool that are related to requirements, together with the relationship [[#_ftn2][[2]]].
CORE9. From within the PDM tool, the PDM user shall be able to perform CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) operations on objects and object sets within the RM tool. [[#_ftn3][]]
3.2 Architectural Requirements
ARCH1. Provide a solution that uses Open Services Lifecycle Requirements Management Spec (OSLC RM)
ARCH2. Access must not circumvent or violate security and licensing restrictions of either tool environment
ARCH3. The user interface for all capabilities shall be consistent with the interface of the native tool within which the user is working
4. Use Cases
The following high-level use cases are identified to be the most common and potentially the most useful in pursuing a POC or solution in this area. Our initial focus is on viewing and accessing the RM tool features from PDM tool environments because we have more control over creating this access than we do trying to access PDM data since each PDM tool interface might be different.
4.1 PDM User Use Cases
PDM tool user performs the following operations related to requirements management:
UC1. View requirement or requirement sets
UC2. Create requirement or requirement sets
UC3. Edit requirement or requirement sets
UC4. Link requirement set to a CI in PDM system
UC5. Follow link from a CI to a requirement or requirement set in the RM system
UC6. Display requirement or requirement set linked from a CI
UC7. Carry out traceability analysis
UC8. Decompose a requirement [[#_ftn4][[3]]]
4.2 RM User Use Cases
RM tool user performs the following operations related to product data management:
UC9. View CIs
UC10. Follow link from a requirement to a CI or CI set in the PDM system
UC11. Display CI linked from a requirement or requirement set
UC12. Create a requirements baseline and link It to high-level CI in the PDM system
UC13. Carry out traceability analysis from requirements to CIs