Discussed process for handling issues raised against QM V2 spec during convergence stage
Reviewer adds an entry to the list of issues on the spec issues page
Workgroup monitors issue list
If response is straight forward then adjustments are made if necessary. Issue is marked as RESOLVED and reviewed at the next workgroup meeting
If response is not straight forward then it is left open and discussed via email or at next workgroup meeting to determine a response. Adjustments are made if necessary.
If no objections are raised by workgroup then issue is marked as CLOSED
After discussion with OSLC core workgroup the concept of extended properties has been discouraged. Several of the relationships for QM resources were defined as being extended. That designation has now been dropped from the QM spec. This may result in certain relationships being redefined in the QM spec in order to avoid performance/scale issues in a service provider.
AI: PaulMcMahan to take a closer look at the relationship properties and make any necessary adjustments, then review with workgroup.
The requirement for a QM version identifier header will be removed from the spec
AI: PaulMcMahan to remove QM version identifier header. An issue was logged.
ScottBosworth noted that the relationship properties between QM resources was a bit difficult to grok, esp. in light of the QM scenarios. Suggested a follow-on discussion might be helpful.
AI: PaulMcMahan to provide the relationship diagram in a more prominent area of the spec. Also, as mentioned above, the relationships need to be reevaluate in terms of performance/scale now that extended properties have been discouraged. Issue was logged.
ScottBosworth mentioned that the test script resource does not provide any attributes beyond the OSLC common properties. PaulMcMahan responded that defining additional properties such as a list of manual steps or execution instructions would be difficult to do in a generic/non-vendor-specific way. Agreement was to at least provide a link that would optionally point at additional resources for executing the script.
AI: PaulMcMahan to update the spec with additional property for test script. Issue was logged.
Recap of the current RDF discussion in the OSLC core workgroup was provided. QM workgroup is OK with current proposal and will look to OSLC core for further direction on media types, etc.
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