OSLC Core Meeting April 7, 2010
Meeting logistics
See the
OslcCoreMeetings for telecon number, passcode and online meeting info.
There are still 20 or so issues to be resolved in the Core spec.
Declare convergence today, target May 26 as finalization day.
Resolve these issues in Open issues on Core v1.0 DRAFT:
- Do we need ordered property values?
- Do we need a service provider catalog?
- Do we need pre-filled creation dialogs?
- Do we need oslc:message in delegated UI response?
- Do we need to enable providers to specify the three OAuth URLs?
Finish this remaining work on Core v1.0 DRAFT:
- Add example of Resource Shape in representation sections
- Remove outside links to other OSLC specs
- Add POST for queries
- Add specification for omitted oslc.properties
Meeting Minutes
First, we discussed convergence
DaveJohnson: we have about 20 open issues in the Core Spec, but all are minor and should not prevent us from entering convergence today. So if nobody objects, I would like to declare convergence and target May 26 for finalization.
ArthurRyman: don't object as long as we can continue to tweak the spec, make fixes and small improvements until May 26.
DaveJohnson: yes, that is the intention of convergence. Convergence is declared.
Next, we discussed open issues
- Do we need ordered property values? No, this can be tabled
- Do we need a service provider catalog? Possibly. SteveSpeicher still investigating
- Do we need pre-filled creation dialogs? Yes, but we might want to add caveat that they cannot be used with Window Name protocol
- Do we need oslc:message in delegated UI response? No, Delete it.
- Do we need to enable providers to specify the three OAuth URLs? Probably, DaveJohnson still investigating
Discussed need for alternative languages. Agreed that it is only needed for Resource Shape property titles and that Error Responses can use the User-Agent to determine the right language to return.
Topic revision: r3 - 15 Apr 2010 - 18:27:11 -