OSLC Communications Workgroup Meeting 17 Jan 2012 11am ET
(8am PT / 4pm GMT / 5pm CET)
- Andy Gurd, IBM
- Sean Kennedy, IBM
- Parham Vasaiely, EADS
- Rainer Ersch, Siemens (joined later due to conflicting call)
Discussions and Actions:
Webcasts: Andy presented the
current webcast schedule on the wiki and asked that additional proposals be added there. Sean mentioned two possibilities - an Eclipse Lyo project webcast at the beginning of March, and an IBM Rational integrations team webcast on the OSLC adapter for JIRA.
ACTION: Sean to reach out to relevant contacts to ask them to submit proposals to the wiki.
Blogging: Sean gave an update that we are waiting for legal checks before opening up the blog for posts to be made. In the meantime, community members are invited to submit blog posts via the
communications working group mail list and the webmaster will post for you.
ACTION: Andy to send an email to the communications workgroup mail list to invite posts.
Innovate: Andy talked about about the IBM Innovate 2011 event that will take place in Orlando, FL. June 3-7, and plans for OSLC content at the event. There are 51 submissions of session proposals to the conference that refer to OSLC in their title or abstract, and there is discussion of an OSLC meeting similar to last year's Lifecycle Integration 'birds of a feather' meeting. Andy and Sean will keep the OSLC community informed as the conference agenda is built.
Parham asked about involvement in ensuring quality management of OSLC related sessions. Andy said that track content is managed by IBM track chairs and their IBM review committees but
(ACTION: Andy) he'd investigate what might be possible/practical to do from an OSLC review perspective.
Sean said that we should keep the community and others informed of the OSLC related content at the event via the wiki and social media. Sean suggested we look at ways to reuse OSLC session content after the event. It will most likely not be possible to share presentation materials or session recordings outside of those who attend the event, but we could cherry pick sessions to ask the speakers whether they would repeat the presentation on an OSLC community webcast.
Rainer asked for a meeting by/at Innovate where we could discuss and decide on an event for OSLC that would be independent of IBM.
ACTION: Andy to reach out to IBM stakeholders to ask about setting up such a meeting.
Events that we should consider for promotion of OSLC: We didn't have much time left to discuss this, but community members are encouraged to add to the
suggested events list.
Use of future engineering environment to disseminate information on OSLC: we did not have time to hear from Parham on this, so we will move this item to the next meeting.
ACTION: Andy to add this item to the agenda of the next meeting.
OSLC Community Survey: Sean briefly raised the topic of having a community survey and invited the workgroup to
submit questions to be included in the survey
Next Meeting: Rainer asked if we could avoid Tuesdays at 11am ET since that clashes with the OSLC PLM workgroup.
ACTION: Andy to schedule the next meeting.
Topic revision: r3 - 19 Jan 2012 - 11:44:21 -