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-- AndyBerner - 16 Aug 2009

DRAFT---not complete!!!!!!

We've been trying to see if there is a standard list of roles that can be encapsulated in the OSLC interface. I think we've established that "role" is a standard concept that goes by different names (e.g. "labor category"). So I think we're in a good position to say that "role" (that's the term we agreed on) can be part of the OSLC interface used to connect PPM and estimation tools.

But it's more problematic to establish a standard list of roles. We found that Galorath's and QSM's "default" lists were pretty close with just one or two differences that probably can be handled. But this isn't enough evidence that the list of roles should be standardized in the interface. In particular, we should look at how various tools use the concept, and at what level it needs to be configured.

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Topic revision: r1 - 16 Aug 2009 - 13:02:46 - AndyBerner
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