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-- AndyBerner - 18 Jun 2009

In "steady state", we presume (not always the case, of course) that the project plan in the project management tool (WBS with resource assignments, planned and actual dates, dependencies etc.) is somewhat consistent with the current estimate...that is, if the current estimate says that the project should complete in 12 - 24 months with 18 months having a 70% probability, then a project plan that says 18 months is expected, if it said 20 months or 15 months, that's still consistent with the estimate, but if it said we would be done in 6 months or 36 months, that isn't.

So assume the project plan is consistent with the current estimate and we reestimate, and after all the "what if's" in the estimation tool, come up with a signifianctly longer schedule.

How does the project plan get revised to be consistent with the new estimate: For the purposes of OSLC, the important question is what information should the estimation tool pass to the project management tool so that the project plan can be revised?

Galorath contribution

QSM contribution

Anyone else, please add additional document

This topic: Main > WebHome > PmHome > MetricsHome > MetricsWorkingDocuments > MetricsUseCases > MetricsReEstimateUseCase > MetricsReEstimateReviseProjectPlan
Topic revision: r2 - 27 Jan 2010 - 13:54:25 - ArthurRyman
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