Estimation and Measurement Telecon, 2010-04-02
Weekly Meeting Logistics for telecon information.
Previous telecon 2010-03-05
Next telecon 2010-04-09
1. Introductions
AndrewCanham and
LawrenceMandel will be attending the workgroup review meetings going forward.
AndrewCanham will leading the implementation effort for QSM.
LawrenceMandel will be leading the implementation effort for IBM.
2. Review of REST API - ArthurRyman
The goal of these reviews is to produce a formal Draft Specification which can serve as the basis of implementation during the Convergence phase, working towards a Final Specification for EMS 1.0.
We reviewed the following topics:
No issues raised.
No issues raised.
AndyBerner - In the section on
Distributed Computing, I assume the spec is neutral about whether all resources are managed by the same service, i.e. different resource could be managed by different services.
ArthurRyman - No, the spec is written for the simple case of all resources for a given project being managed by the same service. As we review the spec we should flag where this assumption has an impact and then decide whether we need to make the spec support the distributed case. For example, updating the current baseline of a project assumes that the baseline and project resources are managed by the same service. Also, searching is scoped to list resources, so if scenarios for a project were distributed among several services, then each one would have to be searched.
No issues raised.
We timed out at the start of
The Service Root
3. Future Telecons
We agreed that we should resume our regular weekly telecons in order to complete the review of the spec.
Add your comments here:
Topic revision: r3 - 03 Apr 2010 - 12:50:20 -