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Estimation Telecon, 2009-05-08

See Estimation and Measurement Meetings for meeting logistics.

Agenda and Minutes


ArthurRyman, LawrencePutnamJr, Jim Koslow, AndyBerner, ScottBosworth, LeeFischman, AndrewCanham

Data Model Review

Arthur walked through the data model. The following changes were recommended:

Generalize PERSON

The PERSON entity should be generalized to cover the case where an estimate is created by a team. Introduce a CREATOR entity for creation roles. Introduce a MANAGER entity for manager roles.

Include Actuals

Actuals are measurements of metrics. Include actuals in the model. Actuals are part of the assumptions used when re-estimating to completion.

Assumptions May be Estimates

Assumptions include metrics like size and productivity. These may themselves be estimates, e.g. the size may be given by a range, and other metrics estimated from it. Include estimates in the assumptions of estimation runs.

Include Work Breakdown Structure

The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) should be included as another subject for estimation. Tools may generate an initial WBS. The effort or duration of task would be estimates.

Next week

  • Review updated data model.
  • Start specifying one resource and service.


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Topic revision: r3 - 15 May 2009 - 13:26:17 - ArthurRyman
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