Open Issue: Do we need to define qualifiers on some actions like resolve or mark duplicate?
Open Issue: What to do with intermediate states on transitions.
RobertElves: Are we only exposing standard actions or can providers expose additional actions in the resource?
SteveSpeicher: Current intent is to expose a set of standard actions and allow providers to expose additional actions.
SamPadgett: What resource do you get back when performing a GET on an action URI? An Action resource with a title, shape, and possibly other properties?
VincentPhan? : For ClearQuest, it will be difficult to provide a shape since we don't know what the shape should look like until we begin the action.
SamitMehta asked if we can add additional information to error responses about what fields failed validation on state transition errors.
SamPadgett: Delegated approach as fallback when headless state transition fails?
SamitMehta: We should understand from Robert and Sofia what limitations the delegated approach has for IDE scenarios.
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