Discussion around need to carefully define Project and Component: suggestions were around defining them in generic terms as "context" (Project) and "subtext" (Component) for hierarchal systems, though there may be a need for tagged-based model (Google code).
Review proposed changes and outstanding items listed V2 resource definition
Looking for owners to drive specification for V2 resource definition (see reference for areas)
ACTION: SteveSpeicher Need to add links/properties for requirements and test cases
Discussion on modifying and reading status property (how to determine if CR is done, how to update it to be done and how to handle additional states)
Perhaps add concept of actions/operations to CR to modify the status instead of PUTing status field directly and infering action.
Gather requirements for states and state transitions: possibly have in a schema/service descriptor for peforming state transitions.
RTC uses two attributes to define completeness of CR: status and resolution, but falls into state groups for things like open, in progress and closed
States/statuses can be complex constructs that have the standard OSLC element, along with provider-specific and other info: label, valid operations, etc.
WG agreed to move to weekly meetings to accellerate progress on 2.0 specs
ACTION SteveSpeicher to schedule out additional meetings with specific technical topics on the agenda
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