1:00PM Eastern US (Daylight Savings) (contact
MichaelFiedler if you'd like to participate)
The Automation meetings alternate times each meeting to accommodate the global team.
* Reoccurring agenda items:
* Main agenda items:
Attending: Michael Fiedler, Charles Rankin, Vaibhav Srivastava, Dan Berg, Jing Qian, John Arwe, Paul
* Automation Contribution discussion
- General approach in Option B at Automation Contribution options agreed upon
- Really only matters from a guidance/wording point of view for the oslc_auto:hasContribution attribute. Implementers were always free to add additional attributes to the contribution.
- Discussion on whether the contribution should be a separate, formal resource with all optional attributes. Agreement that this does not have additional benefit at this time. Does not solve any specific scenario
- Discussion on dcterms:type vs rdf:type
- Implication of Jena abbreviated XML implementation if contributions have multiple rdf:types - difficulty for non-RDF consumers to process resources
- Current OSLC core rules for producing abbreviated xml say nothing about hardening the rdf:type on resource XML nodes to a particular value
- TODO: Michael Fiedler will summarize and bring to core
* State predicate discussion (for verdict and state attributes)
- Discussed using URIs instead of state predicates for verdict and state attributes
- predicates have caused some issues for consumers in other specs - can be difficult to deal with on query, etc. Consistency of values across predicates another possible issue
- Use a URI to a "definition" of a state instead. Provide values in the automation vocabulary which can be used. Or service providers can use their own.
- This approach puts burden of state/verdict consistency on the service provider
- Make verdict zero-or-one, but allow state/desiredState to be zero-or-many
- TODO: Come up with a strawman/example for review.
* Parameter Definition discussion
- Members don't want required fields of
to be a barrier/burden to using it. The oslc:propertyDefinition
attribute was of particular concern.
- TODO: Another strawman/example in the spec of the simplest name/value parameter which could be used.
* Moving the specification forward
- Agreement that we need additional reviews. Request will be sent to the oslc-automation, oslc-core and oslc-community mailing lists requesting review.
- Need to make progress on sample and guidance pages for potential implementers new to OSLC
* Implementations
- Several workgroup members indicated their organizations would be in a position to begin implementations or prototypes once the spec enters convergence.
Next meeting: Thursday, 22 March at 10:00 AM Eastern US time (daylight savings time)