Date: 5 March 2010
- Review Action Items from Previous Meeting
- Robert to update the Mylyn Scenario to use the Automation terminology
- Robert to create a Google Spreadsheet to share attributes of the different resource definitions
- Leigh/David to update the IBM Scenario to use the Automation terminology
- ALL take the scenarios to the next level of detail... understanding roles of consumer/providers
- Agree on scenarios
- Start to identify the roles of the consumers/providers in each of the use cases
- Identify how the different known products align with the resource definitions initial thoughts (Build Forge and Jazz Team Build at a minimum)
Attendance: Dave Johnson (IBM), Leigh Williamson (IBM), Nick Crossley (IBM), Peter Birk (IBM), Robert Elves (Tasktop), Scott Bosworth (IBM), Jeff Turnham (IBM), Marcelo Paternostro (IBM)
Regrets: David Brauneis (IBM-Lead), Jean-Michel Lemieux (IBM), Paul Tasillo (IBM)
- Review Action Items from Previous Meeting
- Robert to update the Mylyn Scenario to use the Automation terminology
- Robert to create a Google Spreadsheet to share attributes of the different resource definitions
- Leigh/David to update the IBM Scenario to use the Automation terminology
- ALL take the scenarios to the next level of detail... understanding roles of consumer/providers
- Workgroup reviewed proposed resource definitions using Google spreadsheet provided by Robert Elves.
- Resource attributes need additional meta-data such as whether the attribute is required or optional, unique or non-unique, and so forth
- Notes on specific attributes:
- Applies to most(all?) resources:
- Id : "ugly" identifier for resource - usually a UUID or similar (required, unique)
- key : user friendly identifier (optional but must be unique if present)
- summary : text label for resource (required, but can be non-unique)
- web url : link to browseable GUI for resource (optional ?)
- Applies to AutomationPlan? resource:
- dependent plans : list of automation plans that this one is linked with (chained plans, child plans, etc.)
- Applies to AutomationResult? resource:
- automationPlan : link to plan that was executed in order to produce this Automation Result - the idea is that a query can be defined to return the list of all AutomationResults? produced by executing a given AutomationPlan?
- reason : why was this execution of the plan triggered? Enum values: scheduled, manual, etc.
- state : what is the current running lifecycle state of this execution? Enum values: pending, started, complete, etc.
- verdict : what is the status of the execution? Enum values: failed, successful, etc.
- Question was raised about how to handle the concept of versions of the Automation Plan
- Action items for next meeting:
- Nick Edgar to update the spreadsheet with resource equivalents for RTC that map to proposed resource definitions (DONE)
- Leigh Williamson to update the spreadsheet for Build Forge (not done due to lack of edit permission on spreadsheet)