Date: Wednesday, 28 July 2011
Time: 10:00 AM Eastern
Gili Mendel if you'd like to participate.
- Discuss 2.0 supporting documents
- What is the status of the use case and example documents? What needs to be completed?
- Can we separate the examples from the samples? Currently there are examples mixed in the samples.
- Review updates to the asset resource specification.
- How do we include properties defined within a rdf:Description tag? See relationships for an example.
Notes from Meeting
- Use cases
- Supporting documents
- Keep and update Asset Management Use Case and Asset Management Examples.
- These documents should give examples of links between asset management, automation, and change management.
- Automation links occur during the build and deployment process.
- Management of the build after it is deployed is an important part of the use case. We should show how change managements resources may be linked to a specific build.
- Remove the Asset Resource Properties Overview. This table is now included in the specification.
- Potentially merge all other supporting documents into the Asset Management Use Case and Asset Management Examples.
- The Samples documentation should be more concise and not include a story. The Asset Management Examples section should describe the story.
- Asset representation
- Discussed whether we should use two properties or a blank node to represent an asset identification.
- Blank node
- Pros: ID and version are grouped, probably a more correct representation as the ID is not unique. Different versions of an asset share the same ID
- Cons: More confusing to understand and consume
- Two Properties
- Pros: Easier to consume, understand
- Cons: May be confusing as ID is not unique
- We decided to go with two properties, oslc_asset:guid and oslc_asset:version. We will reserve dcterms:identification for a database ID if needed.
Action Items:
- Sheehan
- Update asset identification repressentation
- Start work on updating use case documents
- Add automation and change management links to the asset representation
- Contine to update the related asset and artifact properties. We will need to discuss these next week.
- Gili
- Eric Bordeau
- Gili Mendel
- Kevin Bauer
- Sheehan Anderson
- Kevin Bauer