Date: Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Time: 1:00 PM EDT
Sheehan Anderson if you'd like to participate.
- Reducing the number of relationship properties
- Defining a relationship is now performed by using the dcterms:relation property with a reified statement. All other relationship properties have been removed
- Use dcterms:type for the asset type instead of rdf:type
- This change has been request in order to output abbreviated rdf/xml with Jena
Notes from Meeting
- Confirmed changes for relationships and dcterms:type/rdf:type with the group
- The provider should respond with full rdf/xml representation when a request is made for application/xml. When a request is made for rdf/xml the provider should respond with the abbreviated representation.
Action Items:
- Gili Mendel
- Setup meeting with Steve Speicher to discuss relationship definitions in version 2 of the specification
- Jacob Yackenovich
- Review asset management specification and provide text describing hardware assets where needed
- Provide use case for hardware assets
- Sheehan Anderson
- Update specifications with new properties for hardware assets
- Incorporate changes suggested by Jacob after his review
- Eric Bordeau
- Gili Mendel
- Jacob Yackenovich
- John Arwe
- Michael Fiedler
- Sheehan Anderson
- Sri Gunturi
- Tuan Dang