2 Sep 2010 Time:
7:00 AM Pacific, 10:00 AM Eastern, 3:00 PM UK, 4:00 PM Frankfurt, 5:00 PM Haifa Call In Number: (emailed)
Participation request: contact
- Lets officially enter finalization, and focus on contributions to next version of specification
- Topics to consider (and reconsider) for open discussion:
- baselines
- impact analysis
- defining ontologies (to support resource analysis)
- rdf mappings to common architecture resources (i.e. UML, BPMN, ...)
- Jim will provide an update on core activities and recent discussions on linking and query
Atendees: Jim Conallen, John Crouchley, Tom Piccoli, Sandeep Kholi, Clyde D. Icuspit
Regrets: Jim Amsden, Brenda Ellis, Scott Boswort, Bob Maksimchuk
- Jim gave an overiew of current linking in core, and current limitations on simple query when it comes to leveraging properties on links.
- The team continued an older discussion of the change scenario that Tom offered. We think we have a solid understanding of the following concepts:
Resource: a 'thing' that is managed by an AM proider. In the AM space resources are highly fragmented, and have many relationships (properties) to other resources. Rendering a resource is often an act of assembling information from all the connecting resources (and beyond). A resource has a perma link URI. Resources do not have individual versions, rather they are part of a baseline or workspace.
Baseline: a frozen set of resources that are interelated and compatible with each other. A baseline is identified with name and URI. A baseline can be derived from another (previous) baseline.
Workspace: an active set of potentially changing resources. A workspace can be derived from a baseline. It has a name and URI. A workspace can be frozen and turned into a baseline.
Change: a resource that identifies a change in a resource. Its properties include a reference to the changes resource, date/time and user that made the change. It has a reference to a change management request (uri). It also can provide a summary of the change (i.e. a textual summary).
Rendering: a resource or set of resources are displayed in a domain relavant form. This form may be a diagram, table, or textual display that uses resources properties, and the properties of related resources and system properties/settings (even from those not explicitly mentioned in the original set of resources).
Some other axioms:
- A resource can only be rendered in the context of a baseline or workspace (since it requires the assembly a many individual resources).
- The same URI can't exist in two different workspaces.
- You can always do a GET on a resource URI and it should return the OSLC AM representation, or if HTML accept headers are used, a web based rendering of the resource.
Outstanding issues/questions:
- Can the same URI can exist in two different baselines? If so what is returned on a GET?
- Can we create more than one workspace from a baseline? If so how do we reconcile the URIs?
We also collaborated over this diagram: