15 March 2012 Time: 7:00 AM Pacific, 10:00 AM Eastern, 3:00 PM UK, 4:00 PM Frankfurt, 5:00 PM Haifa, 8:30 PM Bangalore
Call In Number: (emailed)
Participation request: contact
- Updates on Core Activities
- Review predicate uri discussions from last meeting
- Continue discussion develop concrete scenarios
Regrets: Eldad Palachi, Steve Speicher
Atendees: Avraham Shalev, Clyde D Icuspit, Jean-Louis Marechaux, John Crouchley, Parham Vasaiely, Yuriy Yermakov, Jim Conallen
Jim gave a quick overview of last meeting's discussion of predicate URIs in the context of impact analysis.
Started working on an impact scenario involving a set of cross domain artifacts. Two scenarios are in mind at this point.
- A set of resources is changed or proposed to change. What is the impact on the other resources in the system (context). What resources are impacted or suspect?
- Given a resource or model, what resources could produce an impact on it if they were changed.
The details of our discussions are incorporated into the
uri discussions document.
Topic revision: r2 - 15 Mar 2012 - 16:21:34 -