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Architecture Management - AM Resource Format



The general approach taken by the Architecture Management team follows the Change Management team's lead by not attempting to re-define model storage formats or even model or other architecture management resource notations, but rather extract out a least common denominator, that could be managed by an AM server, and still be useful to the overall goal of architecture management in a collaborative ALM environment. This does not prevent knowledgeable clients from getting and making use of internal resource content.

The AM resource properties are not limited to the ones defined in this specification. It is recommended to contribute resource properties in their own unique namespace. Service providers MUST NOT reuse or re-define properties or terms defined in this specification.

This resource format is XML. Extensions MUST NOT invalidate the document structure.

This specification makes use of RDF principles and concepts. While the resource format is strictly speaking not RDF nor RDF/XML it does use RDF terms and concepts.


XML namespace abbreviations used in this specification:


The media type used for this representation SHOULD be application/rdf+xml.

The resource MUST be an XML document with the root element <rdf:RDF>.

The resource MUST include at least one <rdf:Description> and the rdf:about attribute MUST specify the absolute URI of the architecture resource.

The following table describes the RDF properties whose meaning is defined by this specification:

Prefixed Name Occurs Read-Only Value Type Representation Range Description
dcterms:title exactly-one No String n/a any The title (label) string. This is often a short displayable label for resource.
dcterms:identifier exactly-one No String n/a any A unique identifier for a resource. Typically read-only and assigned by the service provider when a resource is created. Not typically intended for end-user display.
dcterms:description zero-or-one No String n/a any The description string.
rdf:type one-or-many No Resource Reference n/a The domain relative type, such as: use case, interface, process model, etc. The type is specified as a rdf:resource attribute and expected to be a URI.
dcterms:source zero-or-one Yes Resource Reference n/a A URL reference that a client can perform a GET on that will return a document in a supported format that contains a representation of this resource.
dcterms:creator zero-or-many Yes Resource either foaf:Person The user who originally created this resource. It MAY include an rdf:resource attribute with the creator's URI. It MAY contain a further elaboration of the user using the Friend of a Friend Person.
dcterms:created zero-or-one Yes Date Time n/a ISO8601 The date and time that this resource was originally created.
dcterms:contributor zero-or-many Yes Resource either foaf:Person The user who made the most recent modifications to this resource. It MAY include an rdf:resource attribute with the creator's URI. It MAY contain a further elaboration of the user using the Friend of a Friend Person.
dcterms:modified zero-or-one Yes Date Time n/a ISO8601 The last modified date time of the resource.

Service provides MAY support write. If the service provider does not support write or updating of AM resourcs through this API, then an appropriate status code is returned.

The creator and modified properties can be specified with a foaf:Person element. Clients that want to parse and use creator / modified properties SHOULD be prepared to parse any valid foaf:Person construct.

In general, service providers SHOULD be consistent in their use of foaf:Person elements. Only the elements returned in this resource can be expected to be referenceable in simple queries. This means that if a service provider returns the following properties for creator:

      <foaf:name>Dan Designer</foaf:name>
      <foaf:mbox rdf:resource="" />

the following simple query MAY not work:{foaf:givenName="Dan" and foaf:familyName="Designer"}

only the properties returned in this resource can be referenced in a simple query where clause, and there SHOULD be no expectation that the service provider

Additional Properties

Service providers MAY provide additional information or properties within the resource. These MUST be valid XML constructs.

Properties MAY be any valid XML element, and MAY have child elements.

Service providers MAY reject any modification or creation of properties for any reason, including but not limited to user permission and resource integrity.

Resource links, or references to other resources SHOULD appear as additional properties, and SHOULD include the rdf:resource attribute to specify the target (or object) of the relationship. Properties MAY be associated with the resource link itself, and if present will appear in a separate rdf:Description whos rdf:about attribute specifies the rdf:ID attribute of the link. (See guidance on managing links)


Example 1. Only Required properties returned

In this example on the required properties are returned.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
      <rdf:type rdf:resource="" />


Example 2. All optional properties returned

In this example all optional properties are returned. Creator and modifier values are specified with the FOAF vocabulary and include a URI.

Additional properties are specified, two of which reference an external URI.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
      <dcterms:description>This may come from the model element's documentation properties.</dcterms:description>
      <rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
      <dcterms:source rdf:resource=""/>
      <dcterms:created rdf:datatype="">2009-10-20T19:49:47-04:00</dcterms:created>
           <foaf:name>Dan Designer</foaf:name>
           <foaf:mbox rdf:resource="" />
           <foaf:img rdf:resource="" />
      <dcterms:modified rdf:datatype="">2009-11-03T08:53:00-04:00</dcterms:modified>
            <foaf:name>Ana Analyst</foaf:name>
            <foaf:mbox rdf:resource="" />
            <foaf:img rdf:resource="" />

      <!-- Other properties not defined by the OSLC specification.  These include 
           relationships to other resources (links) -->


      <acme:elaborates rdf:resource=""/>

      <dcterms:license rdf:ID="id1" rdf:resource=""/>


    <rdf:Description rdf:about="#id1">
         <dcterms:description>This resource is subject to the terms in this document.</dcterms:description>


Example 3. All Simple optional properties returned

In this example all optional properties are returned. Creator and modifier values are specified as simple strings.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <rdf:Description rdf:about="">

       <dcterms:title>ServiceInterface Diagram</dcterms:title>
       <dcterms:description>This may come from the model element's documentation properties.</dcterms:description>

       <rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
       <dcterms:source rdf:resource=""/>
       <dcterms:created rdf:datatype="">2009-10-20T19:49:47-04:00</dcterms:created>
       <dcterms:creator>Dan Developer</dc:creator>
       <dcterms:modified rdf:datatype="">2009-11-03T08:53:00-04:00</dcterms:modified>
       <dcterms:contributor>Ana Analyst</dc:contributor>




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Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
gifgif Resource_Diagram.gif manage 14.6 K 09 Dec 2009 - 23:55 JimAmsden  
pngtiff Resource_Diagram.tiff manage 49.0 K 09 Dec 2009 - 23:51 JimAmsden  
pngpng Screen_shot_2009-11-05_at_9.17.24_AM.png manage 31.4 K 05 Nov 2009 - 14:25 JimAmsden Diagram for Resource
Topic revision: r37 - 20 Jul 2010 - 17:29:56 - JimConallen
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