OASIS OSLC Lifecycle Integration for Project Management of Contracted Delivery (OSLC PROMCODE) Vocabulary

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The namespace URI for this vocabulary is:


This page lists the RDF classes, properties, and individuals that make up the OSLC PROMCODE vocabulary. Following W3C best practices, this information is available as HTML (this page) and as RDF.

Details about how this page was generated, and other related material, can be found in the wiki article Publishing RDF Vocabularies on jazz.net.


The OSLC PROMCODE vocabulary defines scope items, work items, artifacts, issues and other related project management concepts that arise in contracted delivery projects. In contracted delivery, an acquirer specifies work to be performed by a supplier. This is a DRAFT vocabulary. It is under review by the OASIS OSLC PROMCODE Technical Committee.

See Also:

Prefixes used in this document:


Classes defined by this vocabulary:

Artifact, Issue, ManagedItem, Measure, Measurement, ScopeItem, WorkItem

Properties defined by this vocabulary:

actualEndDate, actualSize, actualStartDate, actualValue, composedBy, date, measures, observes, phase, plannedEndDate, plannedSize, plannedStartDate, plannedValue, producedBy, relates, representedBy, requiredBy


promcode:actualSize is an RDF property.

actualSize is a measurement of the actual size of a scope item. Note that there is no way to specify the unit of measure used for size. This property should be replaced by a term from the OSLC Estimation and Measurement Service vocabulary.

Has domain:


promcode:actualValue is an RDF property.

actualValue is a property of measure resources. It is the actual value of a measurement.

Has domain:


promcode:Artifact is an RDF class.

An artifact is a work product that is produced in a project. An artifact may be physical or digital.

Is subclass of:
Is domain of:
Is range of:


promcode:composedBy is an RDF property.

composedBy is a relation between managed items of the same type. It expresses a composition relation between the subject and object. The subject is part of the object. For example, a child work item is composed by its parent work. This property is used to link managed items to each other. Note that this property is closely related to dcterms:isPartOf. It should be regarded as a subproperty of dcterms:isPartOf.

Has domain:
Has range:


promcode:date is an RDF property.

date is a property of measurements. It is the date on which the measurement was made.

Has domain:


promcode:Issue is an RDF class.

An issue is a situation that must be resolved in order to meet the objectives of a project. Failure to resolve the situation may result in negative consequences for the project, such as a schedule delay.

Is subclass of:
Is domain of:


promcode:ManagedItem is an RDF class.

A managed item is a scope item, work item, artifact, issue, or some other entity that is part of a project. Managed item resources use dcterms:type to specify concrete subclasses. This practice is deprecated in OSLC Core 3.0.

Has subclass:
Is domain of:
Is range of:


promcode:Measure is an RDF class.

A measure is an observation of some measurable aspect of an artifact. A measure consists of planned and actual values. The rate of progress in developing an artifact is assessed by comparing the actual value to the planned value. Note that measure resources use dcterms:type to specify what is being measured. This practice is deprecated in OSLC Core 3.0. This class is related to similar classes in the OSLC EMS vocabulary which should be used instead.

Is domain of:
Is range of:


promcode:Measurement is an RDF class.

A measurement measures some aspect of an artifact at some point in time. This class is related to similar classes in the OSLC EMS vocabulary which should be used instead.

Is domain of:


promcode:measures is an RDF property.

measures is a relation between measurements and artifacts. A measurement measures an artifact. Note that this property is related to similar properties in the OSLC EMS specification which should by used instead.

Has domain:
Has range:


promcode:observes is an RDF property.

observes is a relation bewteen measurements and measures. A measurement observes a measure. Note that is property is related to similar properties in the OSLC EMS specification which should by used instead.

Has domain:
Has range:


promcode:phase is an RDF property.

phase is an optional property of work items. Its value is a literal string that names the phase of the project. Typical phase names include Analysis, Design, and Implementation. Note that it is better to represent identify phases as resources. The OSLC EMS vocabulary defines some common phases.

See Also:
Has domain:


promcode:plannedSize is an RDF property.

plannedSize is an estimate of the planned size of a scope item. Note that there is no way to specify the unit of measure used for size. This property should be replaced by a term from the OSLC Estimation and Measurement Service vocabulary.

Has domain:


promcode:plannedValue is an RDF property.

plannedValue is a property of measure resources. It is the planned value of a measurement.

Has domain:


promcode:producedBy is an RDF property.

producedBy is a relation between artifacts and scope items or work items. Artifacts are produced in the course of implementing scope and work items.

Has domain:
Has range:


promcode:relates is an RDF property.

relates is a relation between issues and managed items. An issue may relate one or more managed items. Note that that property is closely related to dcterms:relation and should be regarded as a subproperty of it.

Has domain:
Has range:


promcode:representedBy is an RDF property.

representedBy is a relation between work items and people. A work item may be represented by a person who acts as the contact for the work item. This person is responsible for the progress of this work item. This person may or may not actually do the required work.

Has domain:
Has range:


promcode:requiredBy is an RDF property.

requiredBy is a relation between work items and managed items. A work item may be required by a scope item or an artifact.

Has domain:
Has range:


promcode:ScopeItem is an RDF class.

A scope item defines the work to be included in or excluded from a project. It defines the boundaries of the project.

See Also:
Is subclass of:
Is domain of:


promcode:WorkItem is an RDF class.

A work item describes work to be performed in a project delivery contract. It adds detail to the description of work that is described by a scope item. These details typically include cost, schedule, and resource requirements. The set of all work items in a project form a work breakdown structure.

See Also:
Is subclass of:
Is domain of: