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Date: June 28 2010


  • Review V2 spec draft?
  • Decide whether or not to consider the draft as final


Attendance: PaulMcMahan, IngridJorgensen, PaulSlauenwhite, ScottFairbrother, NigelLawrence, IanGreen

  • Discussed a use case for RM / QM integration under investigation by IngridJorgensen. Ingrid may participate in the RM workgroup to discuss this scenario further.
  • Reviewed the changes in the terminology section. Some changes were made to align better with ISTQB such as changing TestExecutionResult to TestResult. The latter is defined by ISTQB.
  • ISTQB does not currently have the concept of a Test Execution Record. Workgroup decided that the best approach would be to keep Test Execution Record in the QM spec and potentially approach ISTQB about adding this terminology.
  • Reviewed the change in the resource definition section. NigelLawrence noted that Test Suite is not defined although this type of resource came up during discussion of the regression test scenario. PaulMcMahan replied that the scenario can be accomplished without Test Suites, and suggested that support for this type of resource be deferred due. Nigel was agreeable to this approach as long as the work group remains confident that the content in the V2 spec won't preclude or hamper the introduction of test suites in the future.
  • Reviewed the diagram attached to the QM spec which shows the relationships between the QM resources.
  • Work group agreed that the draft spec is now ready for the convergence phase. AI: PaulMcMahan will announce on the mailing lists to invite feedback and create a wiki page to log issues.
  • Work group is encouraged to carefully review the draft specification and provide further feedback on the QM mailing list and in the next bi-weekly meeting.
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Topic revision: r2 - 30 Jun 2010 - 20:07:30 - PaulMcMahan
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