This wiki is locked. Future workgroup activity and specification development must take place at our new wiki. For more information, see this blog post about the new governance model and this post about changes to the website.

-- AndyBerner - 25 Apr 2009

Using the OSLC wiki for adding information about estimation and project management

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Three types of additions

Probably more but here are at least three types of things you may want to add:

  • a) Everyone add information on a specific topic
  • b) You see some writeup you want to comment on or add additional info to
  • c) You want to add something new

There's no "right way" to do this, but we need to do it in ways that keep the information somewhat organized, and where people can find what's been added easily. So here are some suggestions.

Everyone add info on a specific topic

An example of this came out of our meeting on 4/21: we had an "assignment" to add metrics to a list.

Arthur added specific pages for each vendor to make the addition. We can then discuss, and reconcile them, and get a master list on the main page. When you navigate to "your" page, you can edit and save it. Straightforward enough.

Comment on an existing page

This is the interesting one. I did an example of this a week or so ago, and I had a lot of trouble. Arthur and I worked out a way that I think we can use, with whatever variation you want. Let me walk you through my example.

First, note that every page has a title, but also has a "WikiName" which is a word without spaces, in "camel case". There are no fixed rules, but for our work, since it's part of the Project Management main project, we should start all WikiNames? with "Metrics" or "Pm" depending on whether it's in the metrics subproject or the containing Project management main project. Also, note that all pages are in a hierarchy, but that doesn't seem to be too helpful on the wiki for finding things! It's not indexed that way.

"Poking around", I came to the page "Software Project Selection and Review Process" (wiki name: PmSelectionAndReview). To avoid "poking around", Arthur added a section for "Main Articles" on Software Project Management main you can easily find this article now. (See the section on "you want to add something new" below). I wanted to comment on this article. In hindsight, here's a good procedure:

  • 1) You need to know the wikiName of the page you're commenting on. It's at the top of the page-the last element of the hierarchy.
  • 2) There's no "create child", so choose "Create Main Topic" on the left (you're going to come back to the page you're commenting on after you do this to point to your new article). Chose the wikiword for your new topic (and remember what you chose!!). It lets you pick the parent topic here, so Pick From List and find the wiki name of the article you're commenting on. That puts it in the hierarchy, which may at some point be worthwhile. Might as well do it from the start.
  • 3) Write your article, save, reedit etc.
  • 4) If in your article you want to refer to another article (like the orginal one you're commenting on) here's how you do it. You need the WikiWord? and the real English title of the page you want to link to. In my case, the WikiWord? was "PmSelectionAndReview" and the title was "Project Selection and Review Process". To add a link to my article to that, here's the syntax to use in the editor (note the use of the brackets):
    Project Selection and Review Process
  • 5) Save your work, and then navigate back to the page you're commenting on.
  • 6) With any luck, that page will have a "comments" section. Add a comment (there's a button) and say that you added a comment and then add a link (using the double bracket/bracket syntax) to your page using your wikiword and title. Now others can find your page.

This isn't a "formal process" so modify this any way that works, and if you have good suggestions how we should organize these comments, please feel free to chime in!

You want to add something new

Do most of the same stuff; add a new topic. But then in the main page (either in the Project Management main page, or the Metrics and Estimation subtopic main page), edit that and add a new link to your page.

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