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We have ideas for creating new videos (assuming they will be hosted on youtube), but lets take an invitory of what already exists so that we can decide the right kind of content to produce.

Existing Videos

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) - 4:26

This is the video that we have surfaced on the About page.

Sean Kennedy, 25 Nov 2011: I think this gives a good overview of OSLC from an ALM perspective. It discusses the integration problem from a user perspective and how OSLC goes about trying to solve it. It briefly mentions the integration problem from the vendor perspective too. Concludes by trying to recruite participation in OSLC.

Introduction to OSLC - 5:29

Sean Kennedy, 25 Nov 2011: This video isn't as polished as the one above, has a slower pace, but seems to go into more detail about the problem and solution. Maybe this video should be seen as a more technical follow up to the first video.

Using OSLC to integrate JIRA with the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management - 6:04

Sean Kennedy, 25 Nov 2011: A demo of a specific usage/implementation of OSLC.

Tasktop Sync - Linking IBM RRC to HP Quality Center & ALM with OSLC (Technology Preview) - 2:20

Sean Kennedy, 25 Nov 2011: Another demo video, shows the use of OSLC nicely.


Sean Kennedy, 25 Nov 2011:

  • The existing videos (except the one from Tasktop) are all longer than what experience indicates is the "youtube sweetspot", 2-3 minutes.
  • There is no single playlist with all these videos, and except for the robot one, they have been uploaded by IBMJazz.
  • The JIRA and Tasktop videos discuss actual implementations, the others describe what OSLC is about.
  • Suggest: focus on videos that show some real value delivered by OSLC (webcasts will show this too, but if we can distill a webcast to a 2-3 minute message, that might be perfect).

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Topic revision: r1 - 25 Nov 2011 - 14:55:40 - SeanKennedy
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