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Artifact Resource Definition

1.0 Specification (In Review)



Asset Management resources define the definative software assets for the software delivery lifecycle. This specification will focus on the definition of an artifact, which includes common set of properties that describe a single software artifact (i.e. WSDL file, jar file, word document etc). Implementations can extend this base definition of an asset by contributing their additional properties to the artifact resource defintion.

Notation and Conventions

The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119. Domain name examples use RFC2606.


Artifact Media Resource – The Artifact Media Resource represents the actual artifact content. The content can be a presentation, a test case, a binary software component, or any other kind of content typically used in software development and delivery activities.

Artifact Resource - The Artifact Resource has a set of properties that describe the Artifact Media Resource including items such as: artifact title, label, description, size, creation time/date.

Asset Resource – An Asset Resource has a set of properties representing a reusable software asset. These properties include such things as name, description, classification, and a collection of Artifact Resources.

Property - A field which describes the entity which owns it. For example, an asset has many properties such as the asset title, subject/short description, version. An Artifact Resource has many properties such as the artifact title.

Artifact Resource

The artifact resource properties are not limited to the ones defined in this specification. It is recommended to contribute resource properties in their own unique namespace, not to reuse those defined in these specifications.

XML namespace abbreviations used in this specification:

XML Representation of the Artifact Resource

The media type used for this representation MUST be application/x-oslc-asset-artifact+xml.

XML Representation Summary: Asset Element
<oslc_asset:Artifact rdf:about = xsd:anyURI >
Content: (dc:title, path?, dc:modified?, dc:subject?, size?, reference?, mimeType?, dc:modified?)
Property Representation
dc:title The required title string. Note that this element comes from the DC namespace, allowing tools unaware of the asset management domain to access this element. This is sometimes also referred to as the artifact's '/' delimetated name.
dc:subjectThe optional subject string. The DC namespace defines this element to be the topic of the asset.This is also known as the artifact's label.
The optional, read-only size string. The size of the artifact content in bytes.
reference The optional reference. An external pointer to the artifact's content or tracability to its origin.
The optional mim type of the artifact content.
The optional media resource (the artifact bytes).
The optional, read-only modified date time which must conform to RFC3339 format


<oslc_asset:artifact xml:base="https://server:9443/ram/" 
    <dc:subject>MyCo's employee web services Java Enterprise Application [2009-10-11T12:10:16.593-04:00]</dc:subject>
    <reference rdf:resource="https://buildServer/fullcontrol/index.php?mod=jobs&action=edit&bf_id=965518">
        <dc:subject>Build Forge Reference</dc:subject>

JSON Representation of the Artifact Resource

The media type used for this representation MUST be application/x-oslc-asset-artifact+json.

XML Representation Summary: Asset Element
{ Content: (rdf:about?, dc:title, path?, dc:modified?, dc:subject?, size?, reference?, mimeType?, dc:modified?)}
Property Representation
dc:title The required title string. Note that this element comes from the DC namespace, allowing tools unaware of the asset management domain to access this element. This is sometimes also referred to as the artifact's '/' delimetated name.
dc:subjectThe optional subject string. The DC namespace defines this element to be the topic of the asset.This is also known as the artifact's label.
The optional, read-only size string. The size of the artifact content in bytes.
reference The optional reference. An external pointer to the artifact's content or tracability to its origin.
The optional mim type of the artifact content.
The optional media resource (the artifact bytes).
The optional, read-only modified date time which must conform to RFC3339 format


 "xml:base", "https://server:9443/ram/"
 "rdf:about": "oslc/assets/%7B1082CDD3-1E40-5648-E7DC-5137CC841AA5%7D/1.0.20091011/artifacts/bin/services.ear", 
 "size": 6439267,
 "dc:title": "bin/services.ear", 
 "mimeType" : "application/java-archive",
 "dc:subject" : "MyCo's employee web services Java Enterprise Application [2009-10-11T12:10:16.593-04:00]",
 "reference" : {
                 "rdf:resource": "rdf:resource="https://buildServer/fullcontrol/index.php?mod=jobs&action=edit&bf_id=965518",
                 "dc:subject": "Build Forge Reference",
                 "dc:type", "Build"
 "dc:modified" : "2009-10-11T12:10:16.593-04:00"
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Topic revision: r6 - 19 Jan 2010 - 21:23:42 - KevinBauer
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