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Date: 19 July 2012
Time: 7:00 AM Pacific, 10:00 AM Eastern, 3:00 PM UK, 4:00 PM Frankfurt, 5:00 PM Haifa, 8:30 PM Bangalore
Call In Number: (emailed)
Participation request: contact JimConallen


  1. Updates on Core Activities
  2. Continue discussion of Diagram resource type.


Regrets: Steve Speicher, Eldad Palachi, Eran Gery, John Crouchly

Atendees: Cylde D. Icuspit, Jean-Louis Marechaux, Parham Vasaiely, Jim Conallen


Jim briefly mentioned recent OSLC core work discussions. Nothing siginifcantly impacting the AM specification.

We reviewed briefly the discussion of migrating vocabularies and merging existing resource specifications into OSLC defined ones. Primarily for the benefit of Parham and Jean-Louis who were not present at previous meeting. Parham recommened that in his experience with the myriad of modeling types he has worked with in such projects like CEASAR, that we would benefit most by not trying to worry too much about getting the details of any specific resource type right, but rather identify the highest most common types and only the most general properties. The value of the OSLC is really in the linkages. Specific implementations will of course provide detailed content, possibly suitable for automation. But for general clients it is just the knowledge that the resource exists and what it is connected to that brings significant value.

With all that said, we agreed to start discussing what this small set of domain spanding resource types might be. Parham used "Component" as a quick example of a concept that is for the most part common across many domains (a reusable building block with a defined interface), but has many different implementations and aspects depending on how and where it is being used. Jim will send out an email to the group list asking others for ideas to include in this list of very high level resource types, that would be useful for this workgroup to at least identify (but not specify in detail).

We continued our discussion on the Diagram resource, and in particular the addition of Clyde's suggestion for a way to work with layers. We added a DiagramLayer inlined resource, and added a dcterms:identifier property to it. This property will be used by clients wishing to render a resource with only the specific layers in it. Jim agreed to update the Diagram resource scenarios page with information on how this might be used.

Parham suggested we add to next times discussion the idea of having sub-domains in the OSLC AM working group . Jim agreed to add that discussion to the next meeting's agenda.

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Topic revision: r2 - 19 Jul 2012 - 15:08:35 - JimConallen
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