Regrets: Sandeep Kohli, Tom Piccoli
Atendees: John Crouchley, Gary Johston, Clyde D. Icuspit, Jim Conallen
We discussed the Resource Type Discovery topic. The base scenario is a client wants/needs to know what resource types a service provider manages. The current process is to have the client read the service provider document and map all the oslc:resourceType properties on all query base and creation factories. The union of these is expected to represent the complete set of resource types that the provider manages.
While this is cumbersome, as we discussed the scenarios, we felt that in most situations a client won't really need to do this survey each time the user wants to create/search for a resource. We expect that an admin or configuration task done prior will have configured the client to know which service provider to go to for the task on hand.
One topic that did pop up that deserves to be discussed further is the versioning of resource types. Presently there is no way to determine if the resource type has a previous or more recent version. The assumption is that the version is embedded in the resource type URI.