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TWiki> Main Web>AMQuerySyntaxV1? >AmQuerySpecV1 (revision 9)

OSLC AM Simple Query Syntax V1

Table of Contents


The Simple Query Specification for the OSLC Architecture Management 1.0 specification is derived from a snapshot of the OSLC common query specification. Because the 1.0 AM specification will finalize before the completion of the common query specification we have made a copy of the current common specification and are including it as part of the AM specification.

The query is executed by sending an HTTP GET request to a URL that is formed by appending a set of query parameters to a base URL.

These query parameters are used to:

  1. find subsets of resources that satisfy simple conditions
  2. select the properties to return of them
  3. limit and order the result sets

The query parameters let you find resources that satisfy simple conditions. This operation is sometimes refered to as filtering since it eliminates those resources that fail to satisfy the conditions. The set of resources that pass the filter are sometimes referred to as a result set. The query parameters let you select which immediate and nested properties of the resources in the result set to include in the response. The query parameters also let you sort the result set, limit the number of resources to include in the HTTP response, and specify where in the result set to start the HTTP response.

The result set is returned as an ATOM collection. The details of what is expected in the result sets can be found here.

The query parameters are intended to satsify simple query requirements, and be easy to both use and implement. More complex query requirements should be satisfied using a full query language, e.g. SQL or SPARQL, which is beyond the scope of this version of the specification.

The query parameters MAY contain characters that MUST be URL encoded when transmitted in an HTTP request. The examples below show unencoded query parameters for clarity. See URL Encoding for a further discussion of this topic.

Notation and Conventions

The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119. Domain name examples use RFC2606.

In the following sections, syntax is formally defined using a common extended form of Backus-Naur Form (BNF). Informal definitions and comments are delimited by /* and */.

Query Parameters

This specification defines the syntax of a set of related URL query parameters that can be used in HTTP GET requests to perform queries. We have adopted a consistent naming convention for these URL query parameters to identify them as common across all OSLC specification, namely all are prefixed with the characters " oslc. " The following query parameters are part of this specification:

  • oslc.prefix - define namespace prefixes which can be used in the other parameters. These provide a means to compact the overall length of a query string.
  • -specifies which properties to include in the result.
  • oslc.where - defines the conditions of the query.
  • oslc.orderBy - specifies how to order the results.
  • oslc.offset -for queries with large results, specifies which result to skip to when constructing the return collection.
  • oslc.limit - specifies the maximum number of results to return.
  • oslc.searchTerms - specifies a text search across a number of properties (service provider defined).

Clients using this service SHOULD provide the oslc.where parameter, the other parameters are all optional. Each of these query parameters SHOULD appear at most once in a URL. The behavior is undefined when a query parameter appears more than once.

Implemeters of this specification MUST support the oslc.prefix, oslc.where parameters, and SHOULD support all parameters.


The oslc.prefix query parameter lets you specify namespace prefixes used in property names. The following URL illustrates the use of the oslc.prefix query parameter to define it:,...


The following is the BNF grammar for the oslc.prefix query parameter:

oslc_prefix ::= "oslc.prefix=" prefix_defs
prefix_defs ::= prefix_def ("," prefix_def)*
prefix_def  ::= prefix "=" uri_ref
prefix      ::= NCName
NCName      ::= /* see "Namespaces in XML 1.0", */
uri_ref_esc ::= /* a valid URI reference (RFC 2396) */

The query parameter lets you specify the set of properties to be included in the response to the query. Both immediate and nested properties may be specified. A nested property is a property that belongs to the resource referenced by another property. Nested properties are enclosed in brace brackets, and this nesting may be done recursively, i.e. a nested property may contain other nested properties.

For example, we are just interested in the name and the given and family name of the creator of all resources that have been changed since a given date:
    and dc:modified>="2009-10-20T19:49:47Z"^^xsd:dateTime


The following is the BNF grammar for the properties term.

oslc_properties ::= "" properties 
properties   ::= property ("," property)* 
property     ::= identifier | nested_prop | wildcard 
identifier   ::= QName  
QName        ::= /* see "Namespaces in XML 1.0", */ 
nested_prop  ::= property "{" properties "}" 
wildcard     ::= "*"


An OSLC service provides access to a set of interrelated resources and their properties. These resources MAY be of more than one type and MAY be organized into collections. Service consumers often need to search for subsets of resources that satisfy certain conditions. The oslc.where query parameter lets you specify the conditions that the resources must satisfy. It is like the WHERE clause of a SQL statement.

Note: The specification differs from the original common query spec by allowing typed values in terms. A value in a term of the oslc.where parameter can be a String, a URI, or a XSD typed value. An XSD typed value is represented as a String followed by double carets (^) and the XSD type. For example a date is represented as "2009-10-20T19:49:47Z"^^xsd:dateTime. A URI that appears as the value of a term is surrounded by angled brackets. For example <>.

For example, suppose that the following URL represents the discoverable query URL for the AM service provider : 

AM resources all specify a dc:title property. The following URL queries the provider for all AM resources whose title is "IManager" :"IManager" 

Alternatively the same query could be constructed with the use of a prefix. Using a prefix is convenient when multiple properties involved in the query share the same namespace."IManager" 

Conditions may use the usual binary comparison operators and be combined using the boolean conjunction operator, and. For example, suppose we are looking for AM resources that have the property acme:severity property of " high " and were created after 20-Oct-2009 19:49:47 GMT.
    and dc:created>"2009-10-20T19:49:47Z"^^xsd:dateTime

The following URL illustrates the use of nested properties. It finds the AM resources created by John Smith:
  oslc.where={foaf:givenName="John" and foaf:familyName="Smith"}


The syntax of the oslc.where query parameter is defined by the oslc_where term in the following BNF grammar:

oslc_where    ::= "oscl.where=" compound_term
compound_term ::= term ( boolean_op simple_term)*
term          ::= simple_term | scoped_term
space         ::= " " /* a space character */
boolean_op    ::= " and "
scoped_term   ::= identifier "{" compound_term "}"
simple_term   ::= identifier comparison_op value | identifier space in_op space? in_val
comparison_op ::= "=" | "!=" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">="
in_op         ::= "in"
in_val        ::= "[" value ("," value)* "]"
value         ::= "*" | string_esc | uri_value | typed_value
typed_value   ::= string_esc "^^" xsd_type
xsd_type      ::= "xsd:dateTime" | "xsd:boolean" | "xsd:decimal"
identifier    ::= qname | uri
uri_value     ::= "<" uri ">"
qname         ::= /* a qualified name (  */
string_esc    ::= /* a string enclosed in double quotes, with certain characters escaped. See below. */
uri           ::= /* a valid URI reference (RFC 2396) */


The boolean_op term represents a boolean operation that lets you combine simple boolean expressions to form a compound boolean expression. The only boolean operation allowed is " and " which represents conjunction. The boolean operator " or " for disjunction is not allowed in the interests of keeping the syntax simple. The effect of " or " in the simple case of testing a property for equality with one of several values can be achieved through the use of the " in " operator. For example, the following query finds bugs with severity "high" or "medium": in ["high","medium"]


The space term represents a single space character. A space character MAY be used to delimit the binary_op term in the compound_term term to improve readability.


The comparison_op term represents one of the following binary comparison operators:

= test for equality
! = test for inequality
< test less-than
> test greater-than
<= test less-than or equal
>= test greater-than or equal


The in_op term represents the operator " in " which is a test for equality to any of the values in a list. The list is a comma-separated sequence of values, enclosed in square brackets, whose syntax is defined by the term in_val.


The decimal term represents a decimal number as defined in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition.


The string_esc term represents an arbritrary sequence of characters. The sequence of characters is enclosed in double quote (") characters. Therefore, the double quote character itself MUST be escaped. All occurances of the double quote character in the string MUST be replaced by the sequence \" and all occurances of the backslash character (\) MUST be replaced by the sequence \\. This escaping MUST be undone to give the actual value of the string.


The uri term represents a URI. It appears in this syntax as a value in between a pair of angled brackets ( < > ). The angle brackets identify this as a URI and not as another term or other type of value.


The oslc.orderBy query parameter lets you sort the result set. It is like the ORDER BY clause of a SQL statement.

You can specify a list of one or more immediate or nested properties of the result set members, and a sort direction for each where " + " means ascending order and " -" means descending order. The following example sorts the high severity bugs by the family and given names of the creator, with most recently created first:

The properties in the oslc.orderBy list are sort keys. The result set is sorted by the sort keys, in the indicated direction. The sorting order of the property values MUST be the same as that used for evaluation the binary comparison operators in the oslc.where query parameter.

Each sort key SHOULD be the name of a single-valued property of the each resource in the result set. The sorting behavior is undefined if the sort key properties are not single-valued.


The syntax of the oslc.orderBy query parameter is defined by the oslc_orderBy term in the following BNF grammar:

oslc_orderBy        ::= "oslc.orderBy=" sort_terms
sort_terms          ::= sort_term ("," sort_term)* 
sort_term           ::= scoped_sort_terms | ("+" | "-") identifier
scoped_sort_terms   ::= identifier "{" sort_terms "}" 


In practice, a result set may contain a large number of resources, so it is useful to limit the number of resources that are returned in the HTTP response. The oslc.limit query parameter lets you limit the number of resources included in the response.

For example, the following query returns the 100 most recently created high severity bugs:


The syntax of the oslc.limit query parameter is defined by the oslc_limit term in the following BNF grammar:

oslc_limit      ::= "oslc.limit=" positiveInteger
positiveInteger ::=  /* see "XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition", */


The positiveInteger term represents a positive integer value as defined in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition.


The oslc.offset query parameter lets you specify where in result set to begin the contents of the HTTP response. An oslc.offset of 0 omits no members of the result set. When you use oslc.offset used in conjunction with oslc.limit, you can break up the result set into pages that will be returned in the HTTP response.

For example, the following query returns the next 100 most recent high severity bugs:


The syntax of the oslc.offset query parameter is defined by the oslc_offset term in the following BNF grammar:

oslc_offset        ::= "oslc.offset=" nonNegativeInteger
nonNegativeInteger ::= /* see XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition, */


The nonNegativeInteger term represents a non-negative integer value as defined in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition.


The normative syntax of the query parameter is specified in OSLC Syntax for Property Selection and Namespace Prefixes. The following BNF grammar for the properties term is copied here for ease of reference.

oslc_properties ::= "" properties
properties   ::= property ("," property)*
property     ::= identifier | nested_prop | wildcard
identifier   ::= QName 
QName        ::= /* see "Namespaces in XML 1.0", */
nested_prop  ::= property "{" properties "}"
wildcard     ::= "*"


Resource properties often contain text so it is useful to search for resources that contain specified terms. The oslc.searchTerms query parameter lets you perform a full text search on a set of resources. In a full text search, each resource is matched against the list of search terms and assigned a numeric score. A high score indicates a good match. The matching resources are returned in the response, sorted by the score in descending order. Each resource that is returned in the response is annoted with a special property, oslc:score, that gives its match score.

An OSLC domain-specific service specification that supports full text search SHOULD specify which resource properties are indexed so that search results are consistent across implementations.

When oslc.searchTerms is used in the request, each matching resource (hit) in the response MAY contain an oslc:score property. Note that oslc:score is not purely a property of the resource since it also depends on the search terms. It is therefore a pseudo-property whose validity is limited to the HTTP response.

The oslc:score property MUST be a non-negative number and SHOULD be in the range from 0-100. Results MUST be ordered with the entry with the largest oslc:score occuring first.

The oslc.orderBy query parameter MAY be used with oslc.searchTerms. When oslc.orderBy is used with oslc.searchTerms the result MUST be first sorted in descending order by the oslc:score pseudo-property, and then by the other sort keys specified in oslc.orderBy. This behavior is like prepending the list of sort keys specified in oslc.orderBy with the key -oslc:score. However, the pseudo-property oslc:score MUST NOT appear explicitly in oslc.orderBy.

The oslc.limit and oslc.offset query parameters MAY be used in combination with oslc.searchTerms. For example, the following query returns the top 10 bugs that deal with database performance:"database","performance" 

The oslc.where query parameter MAY be used with oslc.searchTerms. When oslc.where is used with oslc.searchTerms then the set of resources searched for matches MUST be restricted to only those resources that satisfy the conditions in oslc.where. For example, the following query returns the top 10 high severity bugs that deal with database performance:


The syntax of the oslc.searchTerms query parameter is defined by the oslc_searchTerms terms in the following BNF grammar:

oslc_searchTerms ::= "oslc.searchTerms=" search_terms
search_terms     ::= string_esc (, string_esc)* 

URL Encoding

The query parameter syntax defined in this specification permits the use of characters that MUST be properly encoded when transmitted in HTTP requests. For example:

Not encoded:

  &oslc.where=dc:title="test case 1" and dc:modified>="2008-12-02T18:42:30"^^xsd:dateTime


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