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AM Use Case Scenario - Link Types and Query

This set of scenarios demonstrates the variability of link types that can be used in links between resources across domains.

A UML model describes a specification for some desired functionality. It is based on some open standard. A developer creates an implementation for a particular platform (i.e. JEE). The QA team is tasked (via a work item) to test the implementation. This team references the project specific requirements and the open standards. The QA team reviews the design and develops an appropriate plan and test cases. Each scenario, expressed as a UML sequence diagram tagged with some predefined UML stereotype must be associated with at least one test case to ensure coverage. Missing test cases show up in a report or in project viewlet for QA team.

Create Links from AM resources to other resources

Goal: A developer wants to link an AM resource with a generic WWW web page that it is based on.

  1. A developer navigates to a AM resource in a web UI.
  2. The developer wants to create a "references" link from a service specification design model to a public document (on the web) that the design is based on. The developer invokes an action in he UI to create new links.
  3. The system returns with a prompt for the developer to either enter in a generic WWW URL (with a comment) or to select a service provider catalog that has been associated with the service that manages the AM resource.
  4. The developer enters in a generic URL and provides a short decription to accompany the link. The developer saves the link.
Goal: A developer want to link an AM resource with a requirement

  1. A developer, with an AM resource in contex, invokes the create new link action.
  2. The system returns with a prompt for the developer to either enter in a generic URL or to select a service provider catalog that has been associated with the service that manages the AM resource.
  3. The developer selects the requirements service provider.
  4. The system invokes the resource picker for the selected service provider.
  5. The developer interacts with the resource picker to find the desired requirement document.
  6. The developer selects a link type from a list of available link types. This list of link types is provided by the AM service provider, and each link type displays a label and description (possibly as hover help). The actual link type is a URI, and used as an RDF predicate. The user can enter in an optional description (if the service permits).
  7. The developer creates the link.
  8. The system adds a new link from the AM resource of the types specified to the requirement.

Review Design and Navigate Links

Goal: A member of the test team reviews designer wants to indicate that a AM resource implements a specific requirement

  1. The tester navigates to a AM resource (UML sequence diagram), and studies the resource. This resource outlines the requirements for the test case.
  2. The tester viewing the diagram sees the established links from this diagram. The tester can navigate to those resources by selecting the link. If available, extended hover help is also available for these resources.
  3. The tester can create additional links to test cases.

Query for resources

Goal: A developer wants to know how many AM resources of a certain type are associated with test cases, or not associated with test cases.

  1. The developer queries the AM service provider for "All AM resources whose dc:type is sequence diagram, and to return all links from them of type testedBy".
  2. The developer can review the results to determine which diagrams have test plans/cases and whic ones do not.
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Topic revision: r1 - 13 Nov 2009 - 15:01:20 - JimConallen
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