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TWiki> Main Web>AmHome>AMTermsV2 (revision 1)


Resource: a 'thing' that is managed by an AM provider. In the AM space resources are highly fragmented, and have many relationships (properties) to other resources. Rendering a resource is often an act of assembling information from all the connecting resources (and beyond). A resource has a perma link URI. Resources do not have individual versions, rather they are part of a baseline or workspace.

Baseline: a frozen set of resources that are interelated and compatible with each other. A baseline is identified with name and URI. A baseline can be derived from another (previous) baseline.

Workspace: an active set of potentially changing resources. A workspace can be derived from a baseline. It has a name and URI. A workspace can be frozen and turned into a baseline.

: a resource that identifies a change in a resource. Its properties include a reference to the changed resource, date/time and user that made the change. It has a reference to a change management request (uri). It also may provide a summary of the change (i.e. a textual summary).

Rendering: a resource or set of resources are displayed in a domain relavant form. This form may be a diagram, table, or textual display that uses resources properties, and the properties of related resources and system properties/settings (even from those not explicitly mentioned in the original set of resources).

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Topic revision: r1 - 30 Sep 2010 - 13:45:17 - JimConallen
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