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Discussion Document: OSLC AM 2.0 Scenarios

This document is a working document for the workgroup to use to dicusss what scenarios we need to support for the 2.0 spec.

Supported Scenarios:

System Architect / Change Sets.

Goal: changes to AM resources are associated with change sets / work items.

Doing data modeling. Make changes to customer table, to track complaints.

Need alt phone number.

modeler creates a new column object. This change is associated with work item. Does this by selecting work item, and everything he does is in context of work item. When create new column is associated with work item. (in SA history tables).

Open up table to insert column to Table: "Customer Master".

This change to the table is associated with the WI (change request).

another exmple: modification of UML model.

modeler changes the model (adds new classes, attributes). all changes associated with work item.

Another user working on another work item, may need to make chnags ot the same resources being worked by the first work item.

Changes are sequential in time (when one user is editing the other is locked out).

system knows which changes were made for which work items.


resource versions (in SA "logical" versions are tied baselines).

1. User 1 selects WI1. (this is context for user 1)

2. User 1 makes a change and saves Resource1 [A->b] ( the resource is locked while the user is editing ).

3. User 2 selects WI2.

4. User 2 makes a change and saves Resource 1. [b->c]

5. User 1 (still with WI1 in context) makes additional changes to Resource 1 [c->d] (which includes the changes from user 2), then saves. User 1, should be warned that resource has changed since.

6. User 3 asks for current Resource 1, ask what changes made in context of WI 1 [a->b, c->d], WI 2 [b->c].

5.We can ask system to show what changes were made to resource 1. But can't ask to recreate Resource1 between 2/3.

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Topic revision: r2 - 18 Mar 2010 - 15:01:28 - JimConallen
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