@prefix dcterms: . @prefix oslc: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix crtv: . @prefix pm: . @prefix itm: . @prefix itmosType: . # the vocabulary itm: a owl:Ontology ; dcterms:title "IBM Tivoli Monitoring Vocabulary" ; dcterms:description "The IBM Tivoli Monitoring vocabulary." ; rdfs:label "IBM Tivoli Monitoring Vocabulary" ; rdfs:seeAlso . # ***** Resource Types itm:NativeIdentity a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "Native Identity" ; rdfs:comment "An inline resource that helps client programs correlate ITM's OSLC resources with its native resources." . itm:BufferUsed a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "Buffer Used" ; rdfs:comment "Measures utilization of buffers such as DB2 Fast Communication Manager buffers." . itm:ConnectionEntriesUsed a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "Connection Entries used" ; rdfs:comment "Measures utilization of connection entries such as DB2 Fast Communication Manager connection entries." . itm:LibraryCacheHitRatio a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "Library Cache Hit Ratio" ; rdfs:comment "Measures the library cache hit ratio of a database instance for example." . itm:ProcessesInUse a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "Processes in use" ; rdfs:comment "Measures the current utilization of processes by a database instance for example." . itm:SessionsInUse a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "Sessions in use" ; rdfs:comment "Measures the current utilization of sessions by a database instance for example." . itm:DataFileFreeUtil a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "Data file free utilization" ; rdfs:comment "Measures the data file free of for a database instance." . itm:MaxChannelsUsed a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "Maximum number of channels used" ; rdfs:comment "Measures the maximum number of channels used by a message server for example." . itm:MaxActiveChannelsUsed a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "Maximum number of active channels used" ; rdfs:comment "Measures the maximum number of active channels used by a message server for example." . itm:DlqDepth a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "Dead letter queue depth" ; rdfs:comment "Measures the depth of the dead letter queue for a message server." . itm:InputHandles a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "Input handles" ; rdfs:comment "Measures the number of applications that have a handle open to an input queue for example." . itm:OutputHandles a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "Output handles" ; rdfs:comment "Measures the number of applications that have a handle open to an output queue for example." . # ***** Properties itm:managedSystemName a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "managedSystemName" ; rdfs:comment "Specifies the ITM product-specific identifier for the monitored resource. Useful for correlating ITM resources with crtv resources." . itm:nativeIdentity a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "nativeIdentity" ; rdfs:comment "The OSLC-PM service provider includes this inline resource reference when an OSLC client requests RDF/XML for a resource that has performance metrics." . itm:internalID a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "internalID" ; rdfs:comment "This property is not intended for use by OSLC client applications. It is used by the OSLC-PM service provider to synchronize the entries in its internal resource repository with the resources registered with Registry Services. " . itm:attribute a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "attribute" ; rdfs:comment "Name of an attribute that is a primary key for the resource. It must be an attribute in the attribute group specified for the itm:attributeGroup property. The attribute name should be the value of the *COLUMN: tag from the agent's ODI file. " . itm:instanceName a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "instanceName" ; rdfs:comment "For ITM multi-instance agents, this property specifies the agent's instance name if it has been configured. " . itm:affinity a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "affinity" ; rdfs:comment "The value of this property is the affinity string for an ITM Managed System. " . itm:attributeGroup a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "attributeGroup" ; rdfs:comment "This property specifies the name of the ITM attribute group that has a row which uniquely identifies the resource. It should be the value of the *TABLE: tag for the attribute group from the agent's ODI file. " . itm:primaryKey a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "primaryKey" ; rdfs:comment "This property references the inline resource that contains the primary key information. If multiple attributes in the attribute group are required to uniquely identify the resource then there should be multiple instances of this property. " . itm:attributeValue a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "attributeValue" ; rdfs:comment "Value of the attribute identified by the itm:attribute property. " . itm:osType a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "osType" ; rdfs:comment "The type of operating system running on a crtv:ComputerSystem instance. " . itm:topProcessesforCPUUtil a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "topProcessesforCPUUtil" ; rdfs:comment "The top consumers of CPU resource running in an operating system. " . itm:topProcessesforVirtMemUtil a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "topProcessesforVirtMemUtil" ; rdfs:comment "The top consumers of virtual memory running in an operating system. " . itm:topProcessesforRealMemUtil a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "topProcessesforRealMemUtil" ; rdfs:comment "The top consumers of real memory running in an operating system. " . itm:disksByPercentageSpaceUsed a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "disksByPercentageSpaceUsed" ; rdfs:comment "The list of disks used by an operating system and sorted by percentage space used. " . itm:monitoringAgentsByStatus a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "monitoringAgentsByStatus" ; rdfs:comment "The list of monitoring agents running in an operating system sorted by availability status. " . itm:topThreadPoolsInUse a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "topThreadPoolsInUse" ; rdfs:comment "The top thread pools in use by a web application server, sorted by utilization. " . itm:topJ2CConnectionPoolsInUse a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "topJ2CConnectionPoolsInUse" ; rdfs:comment "The top J2C connection pools in use by a web application server, sorted by utilization. " . itm:topDBConnectionPoolsInUse a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "topDBConnectionPoolsInUse" ; rdfs:comment "The top database connection pools in use by a web application server, sorted by utilization. " . itm:topSlowestPortalPages a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "topSlowestPortalPages" ; rdfs:comment "The top slowest web portal pages being served by a web portal server. " . itm:topSlowestServiceComponents a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "topSlowestServiceComponents" ; rdfs:comment "The top slowest service components in use by a web application server. " . itm:applicationStatus a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "applicationStatus" ; rdfs:comment "A sequence of crtv:ServiceInstance resources representing enterprise applications and sorted alphabetically. " . itm:applicationHealth a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "applicationHealth" ; rdfs:comment "Specifies the health of an enterprise application. " . itm:commandServerStatus a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "commandServerStatus" ; rdfs:comment "Status of an IBM MQ server. " . itm:channelInitiatorStatus a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "channelInitiatorStatus" ; rdfs:comment "Status of an IBM MQ channel initiator. " . itm:putStatus a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "putStatus" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates whether 'puts' are enabled or disabled for an IBM MQ queue. " . itm:getStatus a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "getStatus" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates whether 'gets' are enabled or disabled for an IBM MQ queue. " . itm:topTablespaceUsage a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "toptablespaceusage" ; rdfs:comment "Lists a sequence of table spaces used by a database and sorted by utilization. " . # ***** Constants itm:enabled rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "enabled" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that a setting is enabled." . itm:disabled rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "disabled" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that a setting is disabled." . itm:Open rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "Open" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that a resource such as a database instance is open." . itm:OpenMigrate rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "OpenMigrate" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that a resource such as a database instance has been opened so that migration or upgrade can be performed." . itm:Mounted rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "Mounted" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that a resource such as a database instance is mounted." . itm:Started rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "Started" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that a resource such as a database instance is started." . itm:Offline rdfs:isDefinedBy itm: ; rdfs:label "Offline" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that a resource such as a database instance is offline." . itmosType:Windows%20Server%202000 rdfs:isDefinedBy itmosType: ; rdfs:label "Windows Server 2000" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that the OS type is Windows Server 2000. " . itmosType:Windows%20Server%202003 rdfs:isDefinedBy itmosType: ; rdfs:label "Windows Server 2003" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that the OS type is Windows Server 2003. " . itmosType:Windows%20Server%202008 rdfs:isDefinedBy itmosType: ; rdfs:label "Windows Server 2008" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that the OS type is Windows Server 2008. " . itmosType:Windows%20Server%202012 rdfs:isDefinedBy itmosType: ; rdfs:label "Windows Server 2012" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that the OS type is Windows Server 2012. " . itmosType:Windows%20XP rdfs:isDefinedBy itmosType: ; rdfs:label "Windows XP" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that the OS type is Windows XP. " . itmosType:Windows%20NT rdfs:isDefinedBy itmosType: ; rdfs:label "Windows NT" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that the OS type is Windows NT. " . itmosType:Windows%20Vista rdfs:isDefinedBy itmosType: ; rdfs:label "Windows Vista" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that the OS type is Windows Vista. " . itmosType:Windows%207 rdfs:isDefinedBy itmosType: ; rdfs:label "Windows 7" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that the OS type is Windows 7. " . itmosType:Windows%208 rdfs:isDefinedBy itmosType: ; rdfs:label "Windows 8" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that the OS type is Windows 8. " . itmosType:AIX rdfs:isDefinedBy itmosType: ; rdfs:label "AIX" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that the OS type is AIX. " . itmosType:HP-UX rdfs:isDefinedBy itmosType: ; rdfs:label "HP-UX" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that the OS type is HP-UX. " . itmosType:IBM%20i rdfs:isDefinedBy itmosType: ; rdfs:label "IBM i" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that the OS type is IBM i. " . itmosType:Linux rdfs:isDefinedBy itmosType: ; rdfs:label "Linux" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that the OS type is Linux. " . itmosType:SunOS rdfs:isDefinedBy itmosType: ; rdfs:label "SunOS" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that the OS type is SunOS. " . itmosType:zOS rdfs:isDefinedBy itmosType: ; rdfs:label "zOS" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that the OS type is zOS. " . itmosType:zVM rdfs:isDefinedBy itmosType: ; rdfs:label "zVM" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that the OS type is zVM. " .