[oslc-website] New website: Participating vs Joining the OSLC

Arnaud Le Hors lehors at us.ibm.com
Thu May 26 18:48:35 EDT 2011

I like the new webiste. It is definitely much more slick than the current 
one. But I think it would help OSLC to differentiate joining the 
organization/community from registering to the wiki or subscribing to the 
mailing lists.

One should be able to first join, and then have a simple way of requesting 
access to the wiki and subscribing to any of the available mailing lists 
by selecting which ones they are interested by clicking checkboxes on a 
single page.

On joining one should be explicitly requested to agree to the terms and 
conditions. As it stands it appears that one can simply subscribe without 
having to give any explicit agreement. I'm not a lawyer but I think that's 
clearly not desirable.

I would also require that the _actual name_ of the person be given when 
registering. There may be no way to enforce it but we should do everything 
we can to encourage transparency and state that very clearly in the 
registration form and any related documentation.

Arnaud  Le Hors - Software Standards Architect - IBM Software Group
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