[Oslc-steeringcommittee] Proposal for the creation of an Operations Coordinator role by the OSLC StC

Sean Kennedy seanpk at ca.ibm.com
Tue Jul 17 21:12:07 EDT 2012

Hello Steering Committee members,

I hope you are well and have given the agenda for Thursday's meeting a
look. (If you haven't looked yet today, you may want to take another peak
as there have been some updates.) The second item on the agenda is
"Proposal for Operations Coordinator" and it currently says that I'm to
send the details by email, so here it is.

Near the end of last week Rainer sent me an email explaining a challenge
facing the Steering Committee that he had spoken about to both Bola and
Andreas. I will let Rainer explain the challenge in his words below, but
will say first that when I spoke to Rainer he indicated that all three of
them had agreed it was a challenge and supported the solution idea he
mentions as well:
   I?d like to discuss with you how we could organize/support the StC
   activities in the future.
   The next StC meeting is coming up and we can already see that we cannot
   expect from the StC member to do a lot between the meetings (e.g. prep
   of agenda or agenda items ?). We already discussed that the StC needs
   some support and Sean, you doing a great job to help us. I had the
   chance to talk to Andreas yesterday and we think that such a support
   role should be more explicit with clearly defined tasks and
   responsibility: Preparing agenda and proposal for the meetings, taking
   the minutes, collecting requests from the WG leads or other members,
   follow up action items, ?).
   Again Sean, that?s basically what you are doing very well a voluntary
   basis, but maybe in the future as a better projectable assignment. What
   do you think?

After speaking with Rainer, and indicating my personal interest in, and
support of, such a formalization of the work I've been doing to help
support the StC, I also spoke with John W.. John also supported the idea of
formalizing my role, and inserted the topic into the agenda for the
upcoming meeting. Rainer had already suggested that I email the StC and
include a draft/initial job description in that email, which John said was

Alright, with the "he said, she said" background out of the way, here's the
draft/initial job description for the proposed Operations Coordinator role
(I've used numbered bullets to make reference for discussion easier):
   Under direction of the Steering Committee (StC)
   Supports StC meetings, e.g: assists the chair in coordinating the
   agenda, takes minutes, schedules meetings
   Facilitates interactions between the StC and the community, e.g. alerts
   workgroups to action requests from the StC, manages topic requests from
   the community
   Assists StC members in completing their action items

Before Thursday's meeting, please consider:
   Are there other things you think should be explicitly added to the role?
   My goal was to keep the "job description" short and without too much
   detail so that the role can have freedom to evolve without having to
   frequently revisit the description.
   Do you support the creation of such a role?

Thank you.

Sean Kennedy

       Phone: 905-413-4385 (Internal:                                                     
       Email: seanpk at ca.ibm.com                                                           
       LinkedIn: seanpk                                                                   

There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come. -- Victor

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