[oslc-scm] OSLC Configuration Management workgroup

Nick Crossley ncrossley at us.ibm.com
Fri Oct 19 18:27:14 EDT 2012

OSLC members,

As some of you know, we have recently deprecated the OSLC SCM draft 
specification, and rechartered the workgroup as the OSLC Configuration 
Management workgroup.  To quote from the new charter at 
the workgroup is expected to "Produce an RDF vocabulary and associated 
semantics for configuration management of linked data, capable of 
addressing the scenarios described below, covering resources in multiple 
OSLC domains". In other words, the revised group is to tackle a broader 
problem than just SCM, but is enjoined to keep the specification simple 
and hence to reduce the cost of adoption.

If you would like to contribute to the new workgroup, please sign the 
participation agreement at the above link, and also subscribe to the 
mailing list at 

For existing members of the OSLC SCM workgroup and the revised 
Configuration Management workgroup, please ensure you are subscribed to 
this mailing list.  Up to now we have been sending announcements, meeting 
notices, etc., to the OSLC SCM mailing list, but starting soon, all such 
information will be sent using oslc-configuration at open-services.net 

for information on workgroup meetings, and note that the next meeting is 
on Tuesday October 30th at 6am US/Pacific time.

Nick Crossley,
WG Lead, OSLC SCM and OSLC Configuration Management.
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