[oslc-scm] Updated scenario on wiki

Eric Minick etm at urbancode.com
Tue Nov 3 23:22:42 EST 2009

My apologies for being unable to attend recent meetings (tomorrow looks
bleak as well). This story looks good.

For me, the changes between baselines that I'm often most interested in are
not between typical, named baselines/labels/tags but between the state of a
branch at a given date/time and the state of that same branch at an earlier
date/time. If I'm performing hourly builds, I want the changes between the
latest on that branch and the branch as it was an hour ago. If I must
compare between the head of the branch and a named label, my hourly or CI
process must lay down a label on every branch. In some systems, that's
cheap. In other SCMs, that is a slow process, or one that leads to baseline
spam that makes it difficult to find interesting baselines. Besides, in many
SCMs, baselines are movable which can render them less applicable for build
diffing than branch / time combinations.

A variant of date/time configuration identifiers would be changeset based
identifiers. In systems like SVN or Peforce, a global commit ID uniquely
identifies the state of the source for a project. An automated build process
may query the SCM for the latest ID, retrieve the source as of that ID (to
mitigate race conditions), and then request a diff between the source at the
current ID and the source as it was at the changeset ID used for a prior
build. Many other SCM systems do not have a matching notion and would not
support this model.



On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 3:49 PM, Nick Crossley <ncrossley at us.ibm.com> wrote:

> The new merged drill-down report scenario is now described on the wiki, at
> http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/ScmDrillDownStory.  We will discuss
> this in tomorrow's meeting.  Note also that the terminology page has been
> updated, at http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/ScmTerminology.
> Nick.
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