[Oslc-recon] requirement that a provider MUST provide an oslc:serviceProvider property for its resources

John Arwe johnarwe at us.ibm.com
Thu Feb 21 10:58:44 EST 2013

Where in your sequence of steps are you *required* to follow a link from R 
to R's SP?
On the original thread you forwarded to the list WOP, I followed this same 
line of reasoning and was unable to answer that question.  Which is why I 
had to look for a different scenario, in the same email (or a variation if 
you prefer - potato, potatoe, for some values of spuds).

That scenario does not assume a reconciled resource as input, just any 
random URL for a reconcile-able resource.  It does not assume any set of 
reconcilED resources.  It's way simpler.

Best Regards, John

Voice US 845-435-9470  BluePages
Tivoli OSLC Lead - Show me the Scenario

"Oslc-Recon" <oslc-recon-bounces at open-services.net> wrote on 02/21/2013 
09:01:04 AM:

> From: Tuan Dang/Raleigh/IBM at IBMUS
> To: oslc-recon at open-services.net, 
> Date: 02/21/2013 09:19 AM
> Subject: Re: [Oslc-recon] requirement that a provider MUST provide 
> an oslc:serviceProvider property for its resources
> Sent by: "Oslc-Recon" <oslc-recon-bounces at open-services.net>
> Hi John, 
> So we want to report if a resource is/is not monitored. 
> Let's say there's a reconciled resource R .  This is a collection of
> reconcilable resources {(R1 from SP1), (R2 from SP2), etc... }. We 
> can then say if there 
> is no Rx from Spx that services a monitoring domain in that 
> collection then R is not monitored and gets added to the report. 
> Is that enough to require that resources have a reference to their SP ? 
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