[Oslc-recon] Proposed addition to the specification for representation and reconciliation of clusters

Tuan Dang tdang at us.ibm.com
Fri Aug 30 15:16:19 EDT 2013

Hello all,

Various IBM product development teams are implementing the Reconciliation 
spec and would like to represent the concept of "Cluster".
Concrete examples being the machines in a failover/load balancing group, a 
set of application servers or even more generically,  a group of resources 
as defined by a user.

The use case is that service provider would advertise its knowledge of a 
cluster and its members and clients would query for provider specific data 
or issue commands against that cluster.
Multiple service providers could know about this cluster and we would also 
need to discuss rules for reconciling cluster instances coming from 
multiple sources.

Internally, IBM is using rdfs:Container and rdfs:member to represent a 
group of systems but also wants to indicate that this is a cluster in the 
IT specific sense.

The proposal is to add to CRTV the resource type 
http://open-services.net/ns/crtv#Cluster with description "A set of 
connected systems (either physical or logical) that work together such 
that the set can be viewed as a single system"
We'll also need to discuss whether we should be even more specific and 
create resource types for example crtv#MicrosoftFailoverCluster or 

For reconciliation, we need a way to determine if Cluster1 from service 
provider 1  is the same object as Cluster2 from service provider 2.  We 
could posit that if Cluster1.crtv#name is 
the same as Cluster2.crtv#name then Cluster1 and Cluster represent the 
same object. Any other potential rules ?

Thanks ! T

Tuan Dang
CS&I Integration Scenarios and OSLC Reconciliation workgroup lead
Internet: tdang at us.ibm.com
phone: (919) 224-1242 T/L 687-1242
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