[Oslc-recon] questions and comments on the Performance Monitoring spec and example RDF/XML - 4a

John Arwe johnarwe at us.ibm.com
Mon Sep 24 16:37:58 EDT 2012

Getting some offline discussion onto the mailing list.

> 4)  PerformanceMonitoringRecord Properties  table 
> a)   Why is the dcterms:title property required for a performance 
> monitoring record?      (It also wasn't in the example 
> ComputerSystem performance monitoring record in the example RDF/XML.) 
> This may be a copy and paste error. dcterms:title is only required 
> for ResourceShape instances according to the Core Spec. 

Julie responded: Would like John's feedback here.

4: dcterms:title - Each domain spec defines what it needs to satisfy its 
scenarios.  min=0 on this sounds right to me.

Detail: Min=0 seems reasonable for perf mon (I'm not sure what title I'd 
give to a resource whose only type was PerfMonRec ... this is not what 
your implementation is producing I realize, but it's the general case). 
Since your implementation also claims its instances comply with 
Reconciliation, you need to honor any restrictions it levies too; again, 
Min=0 seems reasonable since title's semantic is "human readable" which 
makes it sound "not required" for reconciliation purposes.  Copying that 
WG for their awareness.

Best Regards, John

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