[Oslc-pm] Updates to mapping table from yesterday's call available for rocks/tomatoes

John Arwe johnarwe at us.ibm.com
Fri Oct 5 17:05:29 EDT 2012

> 1:  dbp:Count_data 
changed per Julie's email

> 2: Do we define a pm:ResponseTime or re-use. 
changed per Julie's email

> 3: we missed a conflict ... we have pm:ResponseTime as
> both an ems:metric object and an ems:unitOfMeasure object, 
fixed by Julie

> 4: I plan to update the Arch page to reflect yesterday's discussion 
NOT done yet

> 5: There is a draft of the "if you are trying to expose metric X, 
> map it as Y" text above the table on [4] 

6: strawman/optimistically added dcterms:isPartOf as the predicate to link 
a Perf Mon Rec to the resource it describes

7: I see that we have availability status as a reference, but the 
paragraph before the enum URIs says that inline is also allowed.  Unless 
we're intending to define another resource definition, seems like 
reference is what we want, but I did not change this until the WG confirms 
that intent.

8: I saw that we had availability status as 0:1 and changed it to 0:* to 
match the same paragraph as the inline comment.

9: I saw that we had oslc:serviceProvider as 0:* ... 0:1 is the only value 
I've ever seen in specs, and it's the only one I can make semantic sense 
of, so I changed it to 0:1.

10: availability status ... not clear to me what "resource is running in 
its host environment" means that "Running" does not cover. 

11: reformatted availability status into a table and make the URIs into 
links (which will not work until the vocabulary redirects are in place)

has been updated to match the spec.  The new include process works, so I 
will tell the webmaster to update the current redirect from 
http://open-services.net/ns/perfmon# to the new-wiki page.

Best Regards, John

Voice US 845-435-9470  BluePages
Tivoli OSLC Lead - Show me the Scenario

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