[Oslc-pm] PmAppMonitAdmin scenario questions

John Arwe johnarwe at us.ibm.com
Wed Jun 13 07:51:25 EDT 2012

[4] http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/PmAppMonitAdmin 

Q4.1: "An application health consumer queries for performance data 
(real-time or historic) " ... is "health" some other domain?  Perf Mon? 

Q4.2: "Alternative - An application health consumer queries the status of 
the monitoring application" ... aside from "activation status", does a 
monitoring application have any other properties?   

Q4.3: is "monitoring application" a synonym for a Perf Mon SP or something 
distinct?  I'm trying to figure out if this drives a new resource 
definition.  UC1 steps 6-7 suggest it's a synonym; ditto UC 2 steps 2,3. 

Q4.4: "A resource hosts an application" starts every UC, but I'm not 
seeing the same "resource" used anywhere else in any UC.  Am I missing 
something, is it extraneous, or is something missing in the steps? 

Q4.5: "health consumer requests the update of a monitoring resource 
property data collection frequency."  ... are you assuming one frequency 
for all data, or per-property granularity?

Q4.6: Did you intend the mechanism by which the client/consumer obtains 
the URL for the monitoring app to be in or out of scope for the Perf Mon 
spec?  e.g. are you eliciting a requirement for a link to it from each 
"record", or something similar (what)? 

Best Regards, John

Voice US 845-435-9470  BluePages 
Tivoli OSLC Lead - Show me the Scenario 

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