[Oslc-pm] monitoring agent availability status

Julianne Bielski bielsk at us.ibm.com
Thu Aug 30 17:41:51 EDT 2012


- For enumerations, the Best Practice is to use a resource reference 
(syntactically, ala rdf:type or ems:unitOfMeaure).  Some of the older OSLC 
specs also use strings, but that causes interoperability problems.  You 
should be able to re-use the approach taken by Automation [1] for 
state/verdict. Whether required or optional, for extensibility it's good 
to allow >1 value and say that (if any values are present) then at least 
one of them must come from your/this (i.e. Perf Mon's) vocabulary, and 
that all values must be non-conflicting.  (Again, Automation is a good 
example - the site is cranky right now tho).  You require one from your 
own vocabulary (when >=1 exist) in order to assure basic interop, and 
allow others for extensibility. 
When I look at the definition of the state property, it says:
                <rdfs:range rdf:resource="
http://open-services.net/ns/auto#AutomationRequest" />
                <rdfs:range rdf:resource="
http://open-services.net/ns/auto#AutomationResult" />

But on the specification page it says:

The additional property values for oslc_auto:state are: 
http://open-services.net/ns/auto#new - used to indicate an automation 
request or result has just been created in the service provider and has 
not yet been acted upon. 
http://open-services.net/ns/auto#queued - primarily used to indicate an 
automation request or result is queued for additional actions by the 
service provider 
http://open-services.net/ns/auto#inProgress - used to indicate an 
automation request or result is active in the service provider. 
http://open-services.net/ns/auto#canceling - used to indicate the service 
provider is in the process of canceling an automation request or result. 
http://open-services.net/ns/auto#canceled - used to indicate that an 
automation request or result has been canceled. 
http://open-services.net/ns/auto#complete - used to indicate that an 
automation request or result is c

So, one says the value is an instance of type AutomationRequest or 
AutomationResult, and the other says the value is one of those URIs. Not 
sure I follow how to use this.

-- Regards,

Julianne Bielski, STSM
ITM Core Chief Architect
Tivoli, IBM Software Group
tel: (919) 224-1170      (T/L) 687-1170
e-mail: bielsk at us.ibm.com

"All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous unpremeditated act 
without benefit of experience." — Henry Miller

From:   John Arwe/Poughkeepsie/IBM at IBMUS
To:     oslc-pm at open-services.net, 
Date:   08/29/2012 03:04 PM
Subject:        Re: [Oslc-pm] monitoring agent availability status
Sent by:        oslc-pm-bounces at open-services.net

catching up... 

- Re-using FOAF's Agent seems reasonable semantically, and re-use before 
define-new is the ROT so good. 

- I'm not sure how code would know it's a *monitoring* agent, or if the 
in-scope scenarios actually require that knowledge (assuming the latter is 
true to first order, but should verify). 

- ems:Value I thought had a type of xsd:double, not string. 
- For enumerations, the Best Practice is to use a resource reference 
(syntactically, ala rdf:type or ems:unitOfMeaure).  Some of the older OSLC 
specs also use strings, but that causes interoperability problems.  You 
should be able to re-use the approach taken by Automation [1] for 
state/verdict. Whether required or optional, for extensibility it's good 
to allow >1 value and say that (if any values are present) then at least 
one of them must come from your/this (i.e. Perf Mon's) vocabulary, and 
that all values must be non-conflicting.  (Again, Automation is a good 
example - the site is cranky right now tho).  You require one from your 
own vocabulary (when >=1 exist) in order to assure basic interop, and 
allow others for extensibility.   
- We'll have to review the proposed values to see which are (probably) 
widely applicable vs more likely to be product-specific.  E.g. "unknown", 
"not found", "not configured" look odd at first glance on HTTP resources 
(e.g. "not found" but I just did a GET on something, why is "not found" 
anything other than a 404?) but might make sense with more context. 
[1] http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/AutoSpecificationV2 
Best Regards, John

Voice US 845-435-9470  BluePages 
Tivoli OSLC Lead - Show me the Scenario 

From:        Julianne Bielski/Raleigh/IBM at IBMUS 
To:        oslc-pm at open-services.net 
Date:        08/28/2012 02:23 PM 
Subject:        [Oslc-pm] monitoring agent availability status 
Sent by:        oslc-pm-bounces at open-services.net 

For Computer Systems that are also Performance Monitoring Records, the 
workgroup is looking at providing monitor availability status. We believe 
that knowing that expected performance monitoring is occurring is a Best 
Practice metric. 

We're considering describing this information this way so far: 

<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" 

   <rdf:Description rdf:about="
       <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Agent"/> 
           Log File Monitoring Agent 
       <ems:metric rdf:resource="pm:AgentAvailabilityStatus"/> 
       <ems:Value rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string
       <ems:unitOfMeasure rdf:resource="qudt:Dimensionless"/> 


Notice the pm:AgentAvailabilityStatus metric with literal value Not 

Does this seem accurate? 

Here are other values that could also be provided: 

Unknown (0), Not_found (1), Stopped (2), Start_Pending (3), Running (4), 
Manually_Stopped (5), Stop_Pending (6), Not_Configured (7). 

-- Regards,

Julianne Bielski, STSM
ITM Core Chief Architect
Tivoli, IBM Software Group
tel: (919) 224-1170      (T/L) 687-1170
e-mail: bielsk at us.ibm.com

"All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous unpremeditated act 
without benefit of experience." — Henry Miller 
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