[oslc-plm] What is the future of the ALM-PLM Interoperability WG?

Sean Kennedy seanpk at ca.ibm.com
Wed Mar 19 14:00:58 EDT 2014

Hello OSLC ALM-PLM Interoperability WG members (and those who follow the
mailing list):

With many of the OSLC WGs having already transitioned to OASIS, and others,
i.e. Requirements, Architecture, and Quality Management, having started
work on a joint Charter, I think the time has come to resurrect discussions
of the future of this WG.

Should a new TC at OASIS be created to handle all the work of the WG?
Should existing specs be contributed to a TC, existing or new, while
certain other discussions, say about scenarios, continue on at OSLC (maybe
as a User Group - which doesn't require participants to execute a WPA and
may lead to broader participation)?
Should something else be done?

ALM-PLM Interoperability is a topic interesting to many organizations
(considering getting) involved in OSLC, so it is important to provide
clarity of direction, at least, as soon as we can.

My sense is we need some criteria, a framework, if you will, for making
this decision. As I haven't been involved in the day-to-day of this WG to
now, I'll only start with some questions I think are relevant, and look to
others in the WG to help mature them into such a framework.
1. Is it important that the specs the WG has drafted be standardized?
2. If so, is standardization at an independent SDO (like OASIS) important?
(As opposed to being completed at OSLC.)
3. Are their topics (whether scenarios, specs, or others) that should
continue to be worked on by this group?
4. If so, what is the best way to ensure broad participation from among the
relevant stakeholders? (I'm assuming "broad participation" is desired.)

I hope to contribute my experiences and knowledge of OASIS and the WGs
we've transitioned to TCs to this discussion and am willing to help with
anything that will facilitate us reaching a decision and building a plan of
I look forward to hearing from you all - thanks for your attention, and, in
advance, for your feedback.

Best regards,
 Sean                                                                                IBM 
 Leader for                                                                              
 for the                                                                                 
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 Email:      seanpk at ca.ibm.com                     D1/R0A/8200/MKM                       
 LinkedIn:   http://www.linkedin.com/in/seanpk     Canada                                
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 than an                                                                                 
 idea whose                                                                              
 time has                                                                                
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