[OSLC-Metrics] Process for Editing the Wiki

Arthur Ryman ryman at ca.ibm.com
Thu Sep 24 19:00:58 EDT 2009


I was trying to finish up the Initiating scenario in the Primer. However, 
I see that Andy's recent edit of rephrasing the size assumption in terms 
of scope rather than ESLOC has put the document in an inconsistent state. 
This is apart from the introduction of effort by role. Andy eliminated 
ESLOC at the start of the document [1] and talked about scope instead. 
However ESLOC still appears elsewhere.

The size assumption appears in the XML:

               <ems:Estimate ems:unitofMeasure="loc"
 rdf:resource="http://open-services.net/software-metrics/size#esloc" />

It also appears in the text:

effort = f(50,000 ESLOC, 6 months, ...)
= 25 person-month 

We need to adopt some discipline about updating pages of our documents. 
I'd like us to adopt the rule that any significant changes should be 
agreed to by the workgroup before they are made and that edits should be 
done completely. This means always leaving the text in a consistent state. 

In this specific case, I don't find that the discussion of scope clarifies 
the Primer. I recommend that we revert the discussion to ESLOC which is 
very concrete.

Let's discuss this at our telecon tomorrow when I review the status of the 


Arthur Ryman, IBM DE
Chief Architect, Rational Project and Portfolio Management
Office: 905-413-3077, Cell: 416-939-5063
Assistant: Nancy Barnes, 905-413-4182 
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