[oslc-core] Request for May 30 agenda

Arthur Ryman ryman at ca.ibm.com
Wed May 30 18:23:15 EDT 2012


I am interested in [1] Resource Reconciliation WG 

The issue here is really about how to assign and manage URIs for 
real-world objects. 


Arthur Ryman 

DE, Chief Architect, Reporting &
Portfolio Strategy and Management
IBM Software, Rational 

Toronto Lab | +1-905-413-3077 (office) | +1-416-939-5063 (mobile) 

John Arwe <johnarwe at us.ibm.com>
oslc-core at open-services.net
05/29/2012 02:43 PM
[oslc-core] Request for May 30 agenda
Sent by:
oslc-core-bounces at open-services.net

I would like to request Core approval to start up two new working groups 
to produce domain specifications in the following areas.  In both cases, 
parties (currently non-members) have indicated offline that they would be 
interested in working on these issues in the context of the OSLC 

[1] Resource Reconciliation WG 

Does a monitoring record about a computer system and an asset record about 
a computer system, taken together, describe one or two computer systems? 
This is a central issue when the resources described are not themselves 
electronic documents, be they computer systems, software applications, 
HTTP servers, whatever. 

The goal of this effort would be to define a common set of resources, 
properties, and constraints on property values useful for answering that 
category of question, so that multiple tools can have a common 
understanding of the answer when they integrate. 

[2] Event Management WG 

What events does an event management system contain about a computer 
system? Once a human decides that an event occurred "because of" some 
other event, or that an event "is about" a particular network device, how 
can another product link to details about the event? 

The goal of this effort would be to define a common set of resources, 
properties, and RESTful services useful for answering that category of 
question, so that multiple tools can have a common answer when they 
[1]  http://open-services.net/forums/viewthread/42/
[2]  http://open-services.net/forums/viewthread/41/ 
Best Regards, John

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