[oslc-core] xml in properties defined as String

Joe Ross joeross at us.ibm.com
Tue May 8 20:49:34 EDT 2012

I'm assuming that the space of XMLLiteral values is a subset of the set of 
String values, so that all valid XMLLiteral values are also valid String 
I'm also assuming that parseType attribute in RDF/XML is simply a 
directive to the RDF/XML parser and can be used with String properties as 
well as XMLLiteral properties.

So, for example if the property rr:name is defined as having the data type 
String in an OSLC resource definition, the following would still be legal:
<rr:name parseType="Literal"><b>Title</b></rr:name>

Are these assumptions correct?

Joe Ross/Austin/IBM, joeross at us.ibm.com
Tivoli Autonomic Computing & Component Technologies
512-286-8311, T/L 363-8311
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