[oslc-core] Proposal for Issue-25: Encoding of UI preview label

Steve K Speicher sspeiche at us.ibm.com
Fri Jun 29 10:19:40 EDT 2012

Ian Green1 <ian.green at uk.ibm.com> wrote on 06/29/2012 10:11:46 AM:

> From: Ian Green1 <ian.green at uk.ibm.com>
> To: Steve K Speicher/Raleigh/IBM at IBMUS, 
> Cc: oslc-core at open-services.net, oslc-core-bounces at open-services.net
> Date: 06/29/2012 10:12 AM
> Subject: Re: [oslc-core] Proposal for Issue-25: Encoding of UI preview 
> Sorry, I've not been tracking this; apologies for late comments. 
> I understand that the proposal is to reword the current specification?  
> so, should there not be some provision for backwards compatibility for 
> current implementations? 
It turns out that what was in the spec wasn't clear or very compatible, so 
we aligned with what implementations reported they were doing late last 
year as the recommendation forward.

> The DOORS implementation includes XHTML markup in the title of the 
> oslc:Compact XML element.  If the spec. were to be changed as is 
> being proposed, the DOORS implementation would not be compliant. 
You can still include XHTML markup in the title, that has not changed. 
What is changed is how it is represented, instead of XMLLiteral we are 
saying HTML-escaped content.  How does DOORS encode/escape the XHTML 
elements?  Does DOORS Compact titles render properly in other tools that 
consume it if they are doing it differently? 

> It seems to me to be a bad idea.  Could this issue be deferred to v3, or 
> a different approach be taken which ensures compatibility? 
It was decided last year in the WG that things were unclear (and a bit 
broken) so we came up the resolution then (which followed what most 
implementations are doing, including RRC).  I know Devang was going to 
investigate more and report back.

Let me know how DOORS handles, perhaps we need to have a meeting to review 
and talk through the options.

Steve Speicher | IBM Rational Software | (919) 254-0645

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